Zonal 48 V to 12 V DC-DC converter
Discover our scalable and comprehensive portfolio of zonal 48 V to 12 V DC-DC converters
Innovating to 48 V: Lower cost and reduced wiring harness weight are some of the potential values of implementing 48 V as the third voltage rail in electric vehicles. Infineon supports you with tailored zonal 48 V to 12 V DC-DC converter solutions based on Si and future GaN technologies to realize these 48 V-related system cost potentials.
Complete zonal 48 V to 12 V DC-DC topology portfolio
Infineon offers a complete and comprehensive system solution for 48 V to 12 V DC-DC converters, including microcontrollers, supply ICs, gate drivers and high-power MOSFETs for the multi-phase bidirectional buck and switched tank converter (STC) topologies.
We provide the most appropriate topologies to support bidirectionality, high efficiency as well as size and power density to match your system requirements.
Why integrating 48 V to 12 V DC-DC converter into the zone controller
Integrating a DC/DC to Zone controllers enables faster and more flexible implementation of 48V power distribution by elimination of additional wiring and secondary ECUs while maintaining the current zone architecture. This integration is challenging since zones often have limited cooling and space and are already tasked with a controlling large number of car functions. The combination can be effectively achieved by using the zone controllers existing AURIX™ microcontroller to execute the DC/DC control. Thermal challenges can be addressed by selection of Infineon’s OPTIMOS™ 7 MOSFETs, gate drivers and power supply devices. enabling a DC/DC with the highest possible efficiency and flexibility.
48 V DC-DC solution for zonal architecture
Application requirements and typical challenges of 48 V to 12 V DC-DCs depend on the integration environment and the zonal architecture concept. Infineon offers a comprehensive system and product portfolio to cover all requirements easily: Microcontrollers enabling ISO 26262 compliant systems, highly efficient power conversion, low power losses, limited cooling, loss-of-ground concepts and power / voltage scalability.

- Understand the basic structure of a DC-DC brick and how it works
- Be familiar with the key parameters of MOSFETs and their design considerations in a DC-DC brick
- Know how to quickly and accurately select the right MOSFETs for your DC-DC brick

- Get an overview of the main feature set of this 48-volt capable EiceDRIVER™.
- Understand its different integrated protection mechanisms.

In this training you will:
- Learn about the transition from fule injection combustion engine to full battery electric vehicles and the main 48V powered applications.
- Additionally get an overview about Infineon’s comprehensive MOSFET portfolio for 48 V applications and their support material.

- Have an overview of the converters needed in electric vehicles.
- Analyze the 2-quadrant converter topology in buck and boost mode and the half-bridge converter with center tap rectification topology.
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