使用英飞凌的系统解决方案为电动商用&农用车 (eCAV) 提供动力,实现轻松的平台迁移和快速上市
英飞凌的牵引逆变器解决方案适用于电动商用车动力传动系统,可最大限度地降低开关损耗、提高热效率并有效存储制动能量。 我们提供的系统解决方案涵盖了高扩展性的功率器件组合,门级驱动器和MCU。通过无缝组件互操作性确保ASIL-D功能安全,从而保证持续卓越的运行。
牵引逆变器在车辆的性能和效率方面起着至关重要的作用。它可以调节电机的速度和扭矩,使用再生制动为电池充电,并确保最佳的动力传输。先进的牵引力逆变器优先考虑高效率、低开关损耗和热管理,以提高整体系统性能并增加车辆的行驶里程。 英飞凌提供可扩展且符合汽车认证的系统解决方案,以满足电动汽车逆变器的要求,从而提高效率、加快上市时间并优化性能。
- 高扩展性的IGBT & SiC组合
- 完整的系统解决方案
- 带旋转变压器接口的 MCU 系列
- 功能安全可达ASIL-D标准
用于电动汽车牵引逆变器的、基于碳化硅的电力电子器件正在快速发展。在部分负载占主导地位的 WLTP 任务条件下,SiC 比其对应的硅产品提高了约 4% 的效率。硅和碳化硅最有可能共存,因为两者都有其独特的优势。硅/碳化硅混合解决方案通常被考虑用于牵引和次级逆变器,其中碳化硅用于后轮驱动,旨在延长续航里程,而硅则用于前轮驱动,以优化成本。
- 基于沟槽的 HybridPACK™ 驱动 CoolSiC™ G2 模块 FS0xMRxx
- 基于 EDT2 的 HybridPACK™ 驱动 G2 模块 FSxxxRxx
- EiceDRIVER™ 1EDI303xAS专门用于驱动CoolSiC™
- 无芯电流传感器:Swoboda CSM510HP2x 与英飞凌 TLE4973
- 32 位 AURIX™ 微控制器 TC3xx
- OPTIREG™ PMIC(汽车):集成式多轨电源解决方案
构建基于ISO 26262的可靠解决方案
使用可靠的半导体的高集成度系统对于eCAV逆变器等关键应用至关重要。ISO 26262 标准规定了汽车安全应用产品的要求和指南。通过我们对功能安全的全面追求,英飞凌正在迅速应对功能安全项目日益复杂和严格的要求。英飞凌提供完整的逆变器系统产品,包括文档和支持信息,以简化设计并减少系统集成层面的工作量。
基于HybridPACK™ Drive CoolSiC™ G2的评估套件
- HybridPACK™ 驱动 CoolSiC™ G2、烧结、陶瓷、直接冷却和片上温度检测
- 带 EiceDRIVER™ G3的栅极驱动板
- 带 AURIX™ MCU 的逻辑板
- 通信和开发接口:CAN,USB,DAP
- 软件支持灵活的操作模式
- 单眼 GUI 界面,可实现完全定制
- 电流传感器垂直集成到母线中,以优化空间和成本
- 参考设计中的铝制冷却器,可选配塑料冷却器
- 直流母线电容器
New white paper about electrified heavy-duty vehicles

Electrification as a key to reducing emissions and improvements in energy storage technology and developments in supplemental infrastructure enables the fully autonomous long-haul operation. Standardization for autonomous trucks, busses, and in-city delivery vehicles needs to improve to support cross-border or even cross-continental interoperability.
This whitepaper covers the electrification of heavy-duty vehicles focusing on battery, charging, drive train, and power semiconductor aspects. Learn more about the technical bits and pieces to solve this global puzzle in this white paper.
Podcast4Engineers: Electric commercial, construction and agricultural vehicles (eCAV)

E-mobility is not only a hot topic but also a broad one. Our experts paint the picture of electromobility in our podcast series, ranging from toy-sized hoverboards to oversized mining trucks and many vehicle applications in between. Learn how Infineon is helping to make the world of transportation easier, safer and greener.

In this training, you will:
- to know about the market trend “Electrification” in commercial, construction, and agricultural vehicles (CAV)
- Understand the importance of customer enablement and how Infineon serves eCAV

- Describe the key features and benefits of Infineon's EiceDRIVER™ isolated gate driver family and explain why it is suitable for the xEV main inverter
- List the target applications of the EiceDRIVER™ gate driver family and recall the reference designs available
With proven expertise and a comprehensive portfolio of robust, high-quality control and power semiconductor solutions, Infineon helps you engineer successful and reliable designs for commercial, construction and agricultural vehicles.
Key Takeaways:
1.Understand how Infineon responds to the trends in the CAV market
2.Get an overview of different applications: Main drive, auxiliaries
3.Learn about the system solutions with power modules, gate drivers, microcontrollers AURIX™, sensors, and more