Inductive charging – wireless power transfer
Wireless charging products for applications in consumer electronics, industrial and automotive
Infineon offers a broad portfolio of comprehensive solutions for devices with wireless charging functionality. Components adhere to the latest Qi1.3 inductive charging standards and offer highly integrated yet scalable solutions across the industrial, automotive, medical, and commercial sectors. Now, you can start exploring from two options:
- Infineon solutions (≤50W)
If looking for highly integrated solutions that can help simplify the design and power range up to 50W, you are recommended to start from our Infineon solutions. - Partners’ solutions (>50W)
If looking for discrete or customized solutions built by our components or solutions with the power range beyond 50W, you are recommended to start from our partners' solutions.
Particularly, to secure you, your data, and your devices, Infineon provides proper components and solutions to achieve Foreign object detection (FOD) and authentication for Qi standards.
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Spark Connected 专注于提供产品开发与工程设计解决方案,产品包括高性能无线充电系统和电池管理解决方案。Spark Connected 可提供基于标准和专有电感及谐振技术的无线供电解决方案,涵盖各个系统层级。 | 美洲、亚太、欧洲、中东、非洲、大中华区、日本 | 电源、微控制器 | 软件、硬件、服务 | 涵盖各系统层级的无线电源解决方案。基于软件的智能控制系统。硬件接收器和发射器的架构和设计文件。为非标准应用和尺寸设计定制线圈。为客户提供 Spark Connected 解决方案终端产品集成支持。提供监管和安全标准支持 |