
在设计150 kW的大功率直流充电设备时,需要考虑很多因素——从安全数据和通信,到可靠性、效率和价格。对此,英飞凌提供了市面上最为全面的产品组合。借助我们的系统解决方案组合,您将能使用适合您的具体情况的最佳产品和技术、获得最高性价比,同时从我们专家丰富的系统能力上获益。这其中包括我们的600 V CoolMOS™ SJ MOSFET P7和CFD7系列、我们的650 V TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 T7系列和我们的1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET。我们的高压开关产品组合配有650V和1200 V CoolSiC™肖特基二极管。由于每个开关都需要一个驱动器,每个驱动器都需要受到控制,因此我们还针对电动汽车充电设备的设计,推出了适用的EiceDRIVER™以及XMC™和AURIX™微控制器。OPTIGA™产品对此进行了完善,确保数据得到保护以及数据安全。
额定功率在30 kW-150 kW之间的电动汽车充电系统通常依赖于两级电源转换结构,即电网侧的AC-DC电源转换级和电池侧的隔离高频DC-DC电源转换级。它将15 kW到30 kW的基本充电模块并联起来,以提供高达150 kW的功率。这些低功耗充电模块为系统增加了功能方面的模块化性能,从而实现了采用分立功率器件的变流器设计,十分经济高效。您可在此探索150 kW电动汽车充电设备的系统图:

系统图:高达150 kW的电动汽车直流充电器设备
在AC-DC转换级,AC-DC转换系统在EMI滤波器之后,发挥着受控整流器的作用。在这个级别,首选二级有源前端(AFE) 或三级Vienna整流器拓扑。这两种拓扑结构都能够根据充电器的额定功率,确保稳定的直流链路电压(最高可达900V)。特别是Vienna整流器,它以其更高的效率和更柔和的EMI特征,而被广泛使用。此外,它还支持使用600V功率器件。得益于1200 V CoolSiC™ 等元器件,具有功率因数校正(PFC)拓扑结构的二级有源前端变得越来越受欢迎,其双向操作的特点更是使之独具魅力。
在DC-DC转换级,分为两个系统:在隔离变压器初级侧,从DC电压转换为高频AC电压;在次级侧,从高频AC转换为DC电压整流。适用的拓扑结构通常为谐振式、硬开关全桥式、移相式、ZVS、全桥转换器。具有单桥(1200 V SiC)或级联桥(600 V)的谐振LLC转换器拓扑结构被广泛应用于该电源转换级。

Podcast4Engineers: Vision for eMobility: 10 kWh for 100 km
How do semiconductors ensure electric vehicles are efficient and fun to drive at the same time?
Listen to our newest Podcast4Engineers episode and join our experts Dirk and Christoph discuss how semiconductors not only enable #decarbonization in eMobility, but also ensure the “fun-to-drive” factor.
网络研讨会:英飞凌 CoolSiC™ 助力实现电动汽车直流快充

工程师播客 #1:蓬勃发展中的电动汽车充电

Charging your EV at home is convenient, but how do you choose a wallbox? In this episode of “Ask the Expert”, our expert Hakan explains what makes AC wallboxes unique.
Why is it important to keep your AC wallbox connected and secure? In this episode of “Ask the Expert”, our expert Hakan explains how connectivity can make your charging experience more convenient, efficient, and even save you money.
This introduction video is about the DC-Charger as a backbone of current and future electric mobility. Our expert briefly explains the application, the challenges and some of the driving forces behind it. It closes with a hint on how and where to find suitable Infineon-Products easily.
Driving decarbonization and digitalization together is crucial and the IGBT7 technology plays a major role along this entire energy chain. This training video will introduce the discrete TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 family and share its five decisive values and the application positioning.
In the technical introduction training, you became familiar with the full-bridge transformer driver family 2EP, which is a reliable power supply that supports Infineon’s top-notch switches and isolated gate drivers. By the end of this deep dive, you will be able to describe the working principle of this family and know about possible applications by understanding the effect of input voltage changes, transformer transfer ratio, and duty cycle changes on the isolated output voltage.
This video will introduce you to the 2EP EiceDRIVER™ power family, along with its features and advantages. Additionally, you will have an overview of the extensive application scope of the 2EP.
As electro mobility increasingly becomes part of our daily lives, the need for more efficient charging solutions is growing. With an eye on the requirements and technological developments in this field, the challenge is to respond with smart and compact power conversion solutions for the charging networks of today and tomorrow. In this webinar, you will gain deeper insights, into Infineon's comprehensive DC-EV charging portfolio with a focus on silicon carbide and its important contribution to ultra-fast EV charging.
Today's global challenges of decarbonization, combined with rising energy demand, make bi-directional electric vehicle charging and how semiconductor solutions support this application more important than ever. In this webinar you will get an overview of the power conversion topologies for bi-directional DC charging and take a closer look at an application example based on Infineon's 50 kW Reference Design.
Online Courses

In this online course you will learn about cost-optimized, but highly efficient electric vehicles charging solutions based on IGBT and CoolMOS™, and explore Infineon’s wide portfolio that supports every segment of the EV charging application.

In this video, you will:
- Understand what Battery Electric Vehicle charging is
- Recognize the three different charging categories available
- Know how these categories can be implemented
With the growing market of electrical vehicles, the industry has put forward more requirements for the performance of charging piles. This e-learning will show you that the emergence of CoolSiC™ MOSFETs has improved the charging pile industry to make the EV charger smaller, faster and with higher efficiency.

In this video, you will:
- Understand how Infineon’s power semiconductor module portfolio is a solution for the main challenges of the electric vehicle industry
- Know Infineon’s general value drivers as well as recent success stories on the electromobility market

Do you want to know the various topologies you can find in this power conversion stage and their top level working principle? Get to know the basic concepts of passive and two-level active rectification methods.

Training topics:
- Get to know how AURIXTM is able to answer the needs of the electric vehicle market
- Recognize and explore how AURIX™ TC3xx addresses key electric vehicle challenges, and understand the main features of the AURIX™ TC3xx microcontroller