50 kW 至 350 kW 的充电器
电动交通的前景是光明的。根据国际能源署(IEA)*的报告,2021 年第一季度电动汽车(EV)销量同比增加约140%。然而,要保持这一势头,关键是要让电动汽车用起来和传统汽车一样方便,而这正是大功率直流充电的用武之地。

在选择理想的功率半导体时,了解充电系统功率水平十分重要。最终,合适产品的选择取决于此因素。功率范围高于 50 kW 的充电器通常使用英飞凌的 IGBT、CoolSiC™ MOSFET和二极管、功率模块(例如 CoolSiC™ Easy 模块、IGBT EconoPACK™和IGBT EconoDUAL™系列)构建。采用 50 至 100 kW 的充电模块,通过并联这些模块来构建功率范围高于 100 kW 的充电设备。
我们的高质量功率开关组合可与丰富的驱动器无缝配合使用。所有开关都需要驱动器,而所有驱动器都需要控制。这正是我们还为电动汽车快速充电设计提供合适的 EiceDRIVER™,以及XMC™和AURIX™微控制器的原因。对于变换器管理,我们的高精度无芯电流传感器可带来理想的解决方案,实现变换器控制和诊断。最后,我们的OPTIGA™产品系列可确保实现充电站的数据保护及安全。
如果是充电停车场,实践证明 2 MW 至 3 MW 的整体功率设置可提供 6 到 8 个高功率充电站。电力来自高效的中压变压器,通常是 22 kV 至 500 V,以隔离系统交流侧。接下来是交流到直流级,其中可能涉及也可能不涉及有源整流器。多脉冲无源整流是一种选项,使电流谐波符合现有标准。隔离初级侧可以让设计师自由地将非隔离直流-直流转换器拓扑用于直流-直流转换级。通常,多相降压转换器适用于此架构,带有直流转换模块。
第二个基础设施架构通过并联 50 kW 或 100 kW 充电模块达到 350 kW,适用于独立应用。

交流-直流系统在 EMI 滤波器后面,将交流电压转换为直流电压,通常配有可控整流器。直流-直流转换级通常为隔离型:首先将直流电压转换为高频交流电压,然后在变压器的次级侧再次转换该高频交流到直流电压整流。
这种功率类别采用的常见策略是使用功率模块而非分立器件。基于 IGBT 的解决方案采用 EconoPACK™和EconoDUAL™,适用于 Vienna 整流器和 AFE 以及交流-直流转换,通常在约 20 kHz 下运行。CoolSiC™ Easy 模块可使交流-直流转换器级在约 40 kHz 至 50 kHz 下运行。CoolSiC™也是直流-直流级的首选器件,可提高开关频率,从而减小整体系统尺寸并实现更高效率。

Podcast4Engineers: Vision for eMobility: 10 kWh for 100 km
How do semiconductors ensure electric vehicles are efficient and fun to drive at the same time?
Listen to our newest Podcast4Engineers episode and join our experts Dirk and Christoph discuss how semiconductors not only enable #decarbonization in eMobility, but also ensure the “fun-to-drive” factor.
网络研讨会:英飞凌 CoolSiC™ 助力实现电动汽车直流快充

工程师播客 #1:蓬勃发展中的电动汽车充电

Driving decarbonization and digitalization together is crucial and the IGBT7 technology plays a major role along this entire energy chain. This training video will introduce the discrete TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 family and share its five decisive values and the application positioning.
In the technical introduction training, you became familiar with the full-bridge transformer driver family 2EP, which is a reliable power supply that supports Infineon’s top-notch switches and isolated gate drivers. By the end of this deep dive, you will be able to describe the working principle of this family and know about possible applications by understanding the effect of input voltage changes, transformer transfer ratio, and duty cycle changes on the isolated output voltage.
This video will introduce you to the 2EP EiceDRIVER™ power family, along with its features and advantages. Additionally, you will have an overview of the extensive application scope of the 2EP.
As electro mobility increasingly becomes part of our daily lives, the need for more efficient charging solutions is growing. With an eye on the requirements and technological developments in this field, the challenge is to respond with smart and compact power conversion solutions for the charging networks of today and tomorrow. In this webinar, you will gain deeper insights, into Infineon's comprehensive DC-EV charging portfolio with a focus on silicon carbide and its important contribution to ultra-fast EV charging.
Today's global challenges of decarbonization, combined with rising energy demand, make bi-directional electric vehicle charging and how semiconductor solutions support this application more important than ever. In this webinar you will get an overview of the power conversion topologies for bi-directional DC charging and take a closer look at an application example based on Infineon's 50 kW Reference Design.
Online Courses
In depth introduction of Infineon's one stop shop reference design for EV traction Inverter.

- Understand Infineon’s purpose in delivering quality above and beyond the standard and find out how we execute that standard in development, qualification, manufacturing and testing
- Learn where and how this high-quality standard is reflected and discover our success stories
With the growing market of electrical vehicles, the industry has put forward more requirements for the performance of charging piles. This e-learning will show you that the emergence of CoolSiC™ MOSFETs has improved the charging pile industry to make the EV charger smaller, faster and with higher efficiency.

- Distinguish the features and benefits of Infineon’s CoolSiC™ solutions in target applications and identify Infineon’s fully scalable CoolSiC™ portfolio to meet this automotive market transition
- Explain the reasons for the increasing introduction of silicon carbide technology in the automotive applications
This training covers the harmonized frame of standards from international bodies like ISO, IEC, SAE and UL dedicated to the Wireless Power Transfer system technologies.

In this online course you will learn about cost-optimized, but highly efficient electric vehicles charging solutions based on IGBT and CoolMOS™, and explore Infineon’s wide portfolio that supports every segment of the EV charging application.

This training covers the most relevant standards for high power charger design, grouped into 4 major areas:
• charging topology
• communication
• accessories
• safety and security

- The training covers detailed information about Infineon's 3rd generation automotive EiceDRIVER™ 1EDI305xAS
- Participants will learn how these products help to reduce switching losses and improve thermal efficiency, resulting in longer range for hybrid and electric vehicles
Every switch needs a driver, and the right driver makes a difference.
Infineon offers different isoalted gate driver families, such as the EiceDRIVER™ Compact and the EiceDRIVER™ Enhanced. Each family has different features to protect the switch and application.
The EiceDRIVER™ isolated gate driver offers advanced features such as reinforced isolation, Miller clamp, slew rate control and short circuit protection to protect the switch and application. It also enables condition monitoring and rapid prototyping.
The EiceDRIVER™ is the perfect fit for industrial application, particular in combination with Infineon CoolSiC™ and IGBT switches.

Training topics:
- Get to know how AURIXTM is able to answer the needs of the electric vehicle market
- Recognize and explore how AURIX™ TC3xx addresses key electric vehicle challenges, and understand the main features of the AURIX™ TC3xx microcontroller

In this training you will:
- Be familiar with silicon carbide MOSFET structures and their characteristics
- Get to know Infineon's CoolSiC™ MOSFET, its features, its improvements over a typical trench MOS and how it performs against its competitors

In this training you will:
- Get to know Infineon’s IPOSIM tool, specifically for an automotive electric vehicle inverter
- Discover the steps involved in simulating different parameters and comparing the results of different Infineon products to see which is the best fit for your application

In this training you will:
- Learn about the transition from fule injection combustion engine to full battery electric vehicles and the main 48V powered applications.
- Additionally get an overview about Infineon’s comprehensive MOSFET portfolio for 48 V applications and their support material

- Infineon's HybridPACK™ Drive silicon carbide compact power modules cater to the increasing demand for high range, efficiency, and power in electrified vehicles, enabling longer drive range, compact size, and optimized system cost.
- The second generation of Infineon's HybridPACK™ Drive, utilizing CoolSiC™ technology, offers a scalable product family with enhanced features and package improvements, providing added value to customers.

- Describe the key features and benefits of Infineon's EiceDRIVER™ isolated gate driver family and explain why it is suitable for the xEV main inverter
- List the target applications of the EiceDRIVER™ gate driver family and recall the reference designs available