英飞凌能够满足上述所有要求以及其它更多要求。我们为所有人机界面需求提供全方位的高品质解决方案。您甚至可以在我们基于XMC4000应用套件的演示平台上测试HMI原型,这样您就能在投产之前知道结果是什么。随着安全性变得越来越重要,英飞凌半导体产品在嵌入式安全方面独步业界。我们的M2M优化微控制器SLM 97和SLI 97系列有助于设备之间(例如工业环境中通过互联网连接的生产设备之间)建立安全通信。英飞凌专门的应用知识、可靠的业绩记录和杰出的技术经验,确保您的HMI应用得到完美实现。
- Learn about SEMPER™ Solutions Hub, where you can find everything you need to build a development platform
- Know the requirements for accessing and downloading SEMPER™ Software Development Kits (SDKs)

In this training you will:
- Understand the need for an expansion memory
- Recognize the key attributes designers look for in an expansion memory
- Describe the challenges with existing expansion memory options

To protect transferred data and enable the reliable operation of devices, strong security measures are crucial. Check out how using a Raspberry Pi board with an Infineon OPTIGA™ TPM enables secured communication of connected devices in the Internet of Things (IoT).

This demo shows how sensitive data can be communicated through secured channels from one production site to another using OPTIGA™ TPM. Furthermore, the network components in the demo are monitored and unauthorized manipulations detected.

In this video you will learn more about how a PLC-based system can be adequately equipped in order to execute different security use cases.

In this video you will learn about a typical Industry 4.0 architecture enabled by Infineon components including secured end nodes.

High expenses at car manufacturers for fixing software issues by costly recalls are driving the desire to use mobile communication channels to remotely execute software updates over the air (SOTA). Infineon’s OPTIGA™ TPM (Trusted Platform Module) is offering enhanced security mechanisms for the protection of a SOTA system. The demo shows a backend server, which provides a software update securely to a Telemetric ECU. The Telemetric ECU installs the software update in a target ECU using the Infineon Aurix™ controller.
Do you know what industrial automation is?
Join us on this journey through the world of factory automation and find out how semiconductor solutions help factories become smart!
Modern industries typically require many coordinated single steps to accomplish a finished product or any activity flow. Imagine this with no automation in place: any high volume outputs or uninterrupted courses of action at a high level of quality and in a short time would not be possible, would it?