折叠所有子类别 展开所有子类别低、中到高功率电机驱动的解决方案

我们广泛的高效半导体产品系列特别针对电机变进行了优化。您可以依靠我们的智能功率模块(IPM)和分立器件,实现低功率范围的智能化设计。对于中等功率驱动,我们的模块EasyPIM™ 和 EconoPIM™可以实现完美搭配。对于功率驱动,EconoDUAL™ 和PrimePACK™是可选的解决方案。结合创新的.XT互连技术,PrimePACK™ 模块可以通过提高热循环和功率循环能力延长使用寿命,从而帮助设计者克服高估难题。
我们产品系列的明星产品是专门针对驱动应用定制的TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 模块。TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 设备是通用驱动 (GPD) 应用的理想选择,采用各种经过检验的封装,可改善功率密度、控制性和过载能力,从而节省成本和时间。对于高速驱动和逆变器集成而言,CoolSiC™ MOSFET 是颇具吸引力的解决方案,因为它们能够降低开关和导通损耗,尤其是在部分负载条件下更是如此。
除了我们的功率半导体外,我们还为所有硅和碳化硅(SiC)元器件提供栅极驱动IC。我们丰富的EiceDRIVER™ 产品组合可从基本功能扩展到高级功能。对于汽车无刷直流电机等电池供电应用,客户可以放心使用我们各种各样的硅材料 MOSFET,包括OPTIGA™ Trust 解决方案 系列。为了完善该系列产品,辅助您的设计为工业 4.0 做好准备,我们提供 iMOTION™, XMC™ 和 AURIX™微控制器,辅以满足最高安全标准的 OPTIGA™ Trust 解决方案 ,以支持不断增长的连接需求。这些设备可以与我们XENSIV™产品系列的传感器结合使用为您的设计带来更多的感官智能,并实现预测性维护等创新功能。

英飞凌利用其专业制造知识和长期经验,开发了一种SiC沟槽技术,其性能高于IGBT,且具有不错的稳定性,例如,短路时间为两(或2)µs,甚至三(或3)µs。英飞凌的CoolSiC™ MOSFETs 还解决了碳化硅元器件固有的潜在问题,例如不需要的电容性导通。SiC MOSFETs在工业标准TO247-3封装中可用,现在在TO247-4封装中具有更好的开关性能。此外,CoolSiC MOSFETs也可在贴片封装TO267-7中使用。除了这些TO封装外,SiC MOSFET还提供Easy 1B、Easy 2B和62mm封装。
Podcast4Engineers: Industrial Drives

Modern industrial drives need to be smaller, more efficient, and easier to use while delivering the performance and robust operation required in industrial applications such as commercial HVAC, robotics, and process automation.
Learn more about Infineon’s solutions for industrial drives and what’s to come in this area.
白皮书:CoolSiC™ –伺服驱动器的完美解决方案

了解CoolSiC™ MOSFET如何助您将逆变器集成到电机中,从而降低开关和传导损耗。结合先进的工业微控制器,我们提供了一个紧凑的伺服解决方案,可以完成自我冷却,且不需要比电源连接和数字连接更多的电缆。

碳化硅MOSFET是伺服驱动器的完美匹配?没错!这个特别的网络研讨会揭示了为什么要比较IGBT和SiC MOSFET的性能水平,并解释了使用英飞凌的.XT互连技术的好处。
应用介绍:我们推动驱动器的效率发展 - 利用我司的专业技术选择最佳的驱动系统。


In this training, we will see how Infineon’s two-level slew-rate control (or 2L-SRC) gate driver IC can help overcome gate resistance dimensioning trade-offs in order to obtain reduced switching losses.
We will also see an example of gate resistor dimensioning, with an under-five V/ns voltage slope target, as usually seen in drive applications.
Tutorial about how to select the reliable and efficent solutions regarding the requirements for industrial drives. We take a look on the key questions of power, voltage, topology and frequency related to your application.
Every switch needs a driver, and the right driver makes a difference.
Infineon offers different isoalted gate driver families, such as the EiceDRIVER™ Compact and the EiceDRIVER™ Enhanced. Each family has different features to protect the switch and application.
The EiceDRIVER™ isolated gate driver offers advanced features such as reinforced isolation, Miller clamp, slew rate control and short circuit protection to protect the switch and application. It also enables condition monitoring and rapid prototyping.
The EiceDRIVER™ is the perfect fit for industrial application, particular in combination with Infineon CoolSiC™ and IGBT switches.
Do you know what industrial automation is? Join us on this journey through the world of factory automation and find out how semiconductor solutions help factories become smart! Modern industries typically require many coordinated single steps to accomplish a finished product or any activity flow. Imagine this with no automation in place: any high volume outputs or uninterrupted courses of action at a high level of quality and in a short time would not be possible, would it?
Servo drives come handy in a lot of applications, but controlling them and the power needed to drive them can be challenging when attempting to do it efficiently. Similarly, handling overload and short-circuit conditions is critical. Through this webinar, we will demonstrate best practices of protecting them and how to ensure the protection is reliable, robust and sufficiently fast for all operations. We will also give an exciting overview of suitable boards for evaluation and show the comprehensive Infineon portfolio of SiC MOSFETs and gate driver solutions.
Key Takeaways
- Understand how Infineon responds to the trends in the industry drives market: e.g. inverter integration with SiC MOSFETs and get an overview of some of the solutions offered
- Learn how to enable lower switching losses compare to IGBTs at same dV/dt levels and enhanced switching control
- Explore how to avoid the main pitfalls when driving SiC MOSFETs
- Discover how to reliably protect SiC MOSFETs using EiceDRIVER™ gate drivers