折叠所有子类别 展开所有子类别发现高效、可靠的定制化电源半导体解决方案

- 不断上升的清洁能源需求
- 电网基础设施的扩大和互联
- 老化电网基础设施的逐步淘汰和升级
- 提高交流电网的效率以满足未来需求
实现所有上述目标是满足飞速增长的全球能源需求的先决条件,为此我们需要全新方法和技术。英飞凌已整装待发,助力您应对本时代输配电行业所面临的最大挑战。无论您的设计是否需要 HVDC 系统或 FACTS 类功率半导体解决方案,我们齐全的创新型输配电高功率盘片和 IGBT 模块都可助您确保可靠的未来能量供应。
Green hydrogen is produced in a CO2-neutral manner by utilizing electrolysis processes powered by renewable energies such as wind and solar. Power semiconductors make the production of green hydrogen possible. Gain insights into AC- and DC-coupled electrolyzer applications and learn about Infineon's best-in-class semiconductor solutions.

Get to know what Flexible AC Transmission Systems (or FACTS) are, their characteristics, their advantages and which FACTS devices are. Get to know the different IGBT devices, namely, the Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM), the Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) and the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC).

Transmission and distribution (or T&D) is all about the different stages of carrying electricity over towers/poles and cables/wires from generators to load centers.
Infineon already supports with its technology in different segments of this process.