CAPSENSE™ Controllers Code Examples
Code Example | Description |
CE54363 | CE54363 describes how to scan four CAPSENSE™ buttons regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol. |
CE54363 | CE54363 describes how to scan four CAPSENSE™ buttons regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol. |
CE63792 | CE63792 describes how to scan one CAPSENSE™ button and a five-segment slider regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol.This code example also describes how to apply software filters such as average, IIR, and median filters on raw count and the jitter filter on slider centroid position. |
CE63792 | CE63792 describes how to scan one CAPSENSE™ button and a five-segment slider regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol.This code example also describes how to apply software filters such as average, IIR, and median filters on raw count and the jitter filter on slider centroid position. |
CE63793 | CE63793 describes how to scan one CAPSENSE™ button and five-segment slider regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol. |
CE63793 | CE63793 describes how to scan one CAPSENSE™ button and five-segment slider regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol. |
CE63795 | CE63795 describes how to scan one CAPSENSE™ button and a five-segment slider regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol.This code example also describes how to apply software filters such as average, IIR, and median on raw count and the jitter filter on the slider centroid position. |
CE63795 | CE63795 describes how to scan one CAPSENSE™ button and a five-segment slider regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol.This code example also describes how to apply software filters such as average, IIR, and median on raw count and the jitter filter on the slider centroid position. |
CE63796 | CE63796 describes how to scan one CAPSENSE™ button and five-segment slider regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol. |
CE63796 | CE63796 describes how to scan one CAPSENSE™ button and five-segment slider regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol. |
User Module Datasheet - LIN BUS Slave V3.0 | The LIN slave User Module implements a LIN 2.1 slave node on a PSoC™ 1 device. In addition, options for LIN 2.0 or SAE J2602-1 compliance are available. |
CE66058 | You can achieve the proper sensitivity for sensors in an end system that have a considerable difference in parasitic capacitance (Cp) by tuning the raw counts of each sensor to 60 to 70 percent of the maximum value.This code example describes a method that compensates for differences in sensor raw counts due to variations in Cp by scanning the sensors with different bleed resistors. |
CE66058 Dynamically Switch CSD Bleed Resistor | You can achieve the proper sensitivity for sensors in an end system that have a considerable difference in parasitic capacitance (Cp) by tuning the raw counts of each sensor to 60 to 70 percent of the maximum value.This code example describes a method that compensates for differences in sensor raw counts due to variations in Cp by scanning the sensors with different bleed resistors. |
CE210489 - PSoC 4 Low Power CAPSENSE™ Proximity | This code example demonstrates a low-power proximity sensor and CAPSENSE™ tuner using the PSoC™ Creator CAPSENSE™ Component with PSoC™ 4. |
CE210489 CAPSENSE™ Proximity Sensing | This code example demonstrates a low-power proximity sensor and CAPSENSE™ tuner using the PSoC™ Creator CAPSENSE™ Component with PSoC™ 4. |
CE214022 Low-Power CAPSENSE™ Buttons | This code example demonstrates how to implement low-power CAPSENSE™ buttons with an average current consumption of 5 µA per button. |
CE214022 Low-Power CAPSENSE™ Buttons | This code example demonstrates how to implement low-power CAPSENSE™ buttons with an average current consumption of 5 µA per button. |
CE214023 CAPSENSE™ Proximity Sensing | This code example demonstrates how to implement low-power CAPSENSE™ proximity sensing with a proximity-sensing distance of 5 cm at an average current consumption of 25 µA. |
CE214023 CAPSENSE™ Proximity Sensing | This code example demonstrates how to implement low-power CAPSENSE™ proximity sensing with a proximity-sensing distance of 5 cm at an average current consumption of 25 µA. |
CE210709 - CAPSENSE™ Linear Slider and Buttons | This code example demonstrates the implementation of CAPSENSE™ linear slider and buttons and LED control. It sends information on CAPSENSE™ linear slider and buttons over I2C to the CAPSENSE™ Tuner or EZ-BLE_x005F PRoC_x005F Module on the CY8CKIT-145-40XX PSoC™ 4000S Prototyping Kit. It also demonstrates a simple breathing LED using the SmartIO and TCPWM Components. |
CE210709 CAPSENSE™ Linear Slider and Buttons | This code example demonstrates the implementation of CAPSENSE™ linear slider and buttons and LED control. It sends information on CAPSENSE™ linear slider and buttons over I2C to the CAPSENSE™ Tuner or EZ-BLE_x005F PRoC_x005F Module on the CY8CKIT-145-40XX PSoC™ 4000S Prototyping Kit. It also demonstrates a simple breathing LED using the SmartIO and TCPWM Components. |
CE230205 | This code example demonstrates the implementation of the CAPSENSE™ linear slider and button for controlling the LEDs. The CAPSENSE™ Component sends the information from the linear slider and button over I2C to the CAPSENSE™ Tuner tool. The response to the CAPSENSE™ button can be seen on the green LED glow state. The CAPSENSE™ linear slider touch position effect can be seen on the red LED brightness. |
CE230205 CAPSENSE™ Slider and Button | This code example demonstrates the implementation of the CAPSENSE™ linear slider and button for controlling the LEDs. The CAPSENSE™ Component sends the information from the linear slider and button over I2C to the CAPSENSE™ Tuner tool. The response to the CAPSENSE™ button can be seen on the green LED glow state. The CAPSENSE™ linear slider touch position effect can be seen on the red LED brightness. |
CE54362 - CSA WITH I2CHW SLAVE ON CY8C20X34 | This code example describes how to scan five CAPSENSE™ buttons regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol. |
Example CSA I2CHW 20x34 | This code example describes how to scan five CAPSENSE™ buttons regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol. |
Example_CSD_I2CHW_20xx6 | This code example describes how to scan four CAPSENSE™ buttons regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol |
Example_CSD_I2CHW_20xx6 | This code example describes how to scan four CAPSENSE™ buttons regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol |
CE63794 | This code example describes how to scan one CAPSENSE™ button and a five-segment slider regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol. |
CE63794 | This code example describes how to scan one CAPSENSE™ button and a five-segment slider regularly and send the data to the master using I2C protocol. |
CE211584 Trackpad with Color Gamut | This code example implements a CAPSENSE™ trackpad as a user interface to input the required color for color mixing algorithm. |
CE211584 Trackpad with Color Gamut | This code example implements a CAPSENSE™ trackpad as a user interface to input the required color for color mixing algorithm. |
CAPSENSE™ Controller Code Examples | This document provides a detailed overview of 10 CAPSENSE™ code examples with an intention to help customers experience and evaluate features of Infineon CAPSENSE™ Controllers, CAPSENSE™ Kits, and CAPSENSE™ User Modules.This document also explains how to read back and plot sensor data through I2C and UART interfaces. You should be familiar with CAPSENSE™ sensing technology before you readThis document. |
CAPSENSE™ Controller Code Examples | This document provides a detailed overview of 10 CAPSENSE™ code examples with an intention to help customers experience and evaluate features of Infineon CAPSENSE™ Controllers, CAPSENSE™ Kits, and CAPSENSE™ User Modules.This document also explains how to read back and plot sensor data through I2C and UART interfaces. You should be familiar with CAPSENSE™ sensing technology before you readThis document. |
CAPSENSE™ Controller Code Examples (Chinese) | This document provides a detailed overview of 10 CAPSENSE™ code examples with an intention to help customers experience and evaluate features of Infineon CAPSENSE™ Controllers, CAPSENSE™ Kits, and CAPSENSE™ User Modules.This document also explains how to read back and plot sensor data through I2C and UART interfaces. You should be familiar with CAPSENSE™ sensing technology before you readThis document. |
CAPSENSE™ Controller Code Examples (Japanese) | This document provides a detailed overview of 10 CAPSENSE™ code examples with an intention to help customers experience and evaluate features of Infineon CAPSENSE™ Controllers, CAPSENSE™ Kits, and CAPSENSE™ User Modules.This document also explains how to read back and plot sensor data through I2C and UART interfaces. You should be familiar with CAPSENSE™ sensing technology before you readThis document. |
BootLdrUSBFSe_001-64851 | BootLdrUSBFSe_001-64851 |
BootLdrUSBFSe_001-64851 | BootLdrUSBFSe_001-64851 |
CAPSENSE™ Sigma-Delta Datasheet CSD | CAPSENSE™ Sigma-Delta Datasheet CSD |
CAPSENSE™ Sigma-Delta Datasheet CSD(Chinese) | CAPSENSE™ Sigma-Delta Datasheet CSD(Chinese) |
CMP_001-75352 | CMP_001-75352 |
CSA_001-58484 | CSA_001-58484 |
CSA_001-58487 | CSA_001-58487 |
CSA_EMC_001-64901 | CSA_EMC_001-64901 |
CSAMFS_001-56806 | CSAMFS_001-56806 |
CSD_001-13536 | CSD_001-13536 |
CSD_001-63217 | CSD_001-63217 |
CSD_001-75358 | CSD_001-75358 |
CSD_001-75358 | CSD_001-75358 |
CSD2X_001-50243 | CSD2X_001-50243 |
CSDAUTO_001-56927 | CSDAUTO_001-56927 |
CSDe_001-72413 | CSDe_001-72413 |
CSDe_001-72413 | CSDe_001-72413 |
CSDPLUS_001-75357 | CSDPLUS_001-75357 |
CSDPLUS_001-75357 | CSDPLUS_001-75357 |
SmartSense_001-63102 | SmartSense_001-63102 |
SmartSense_001-63102 | SmartSense_001-63102 |
SmartSense2X_EMC_001-85899 | SmartSense2X_EMC_001-85899 |
SmartSense2X_EMC_001-85900 | SmartSense2X_EMC_001-85900 |