Graphic LCD Controller (GraphicLCDCtrl)
General Description

The Graphic LCD Controller (GraphicLCDCtrl) component provides the interface to an LCD panel that has an LCD driver, but not an LCD controller. This type of panel does not include a frame buffer. The frame buffer must be provided externally.
This component also interfaces to an externally provided frame buffer implemented using a 16-bit wide async SRAM device.
This Component is designed to work with the SEGGER emWin graphics library. This library provides a full-featured set of graphics functions for drawing and rendering text and images. emWin graphics library available for PSoC™ 3, PSoC™ 4 and PSoC™ 5LP devices.
Fully programmable screen size support up to HVGA resolution including:
QVGA (320x240) @ 60 Hz 16 bpp
WQVGA (480x272) @ 60 Hz 16 bpp
HVGA (480x320) @ 60 Hz 16 bpp
Supports virtual screen operation
Interfaces with SEGGER emWin graphics library
Performs read and write transactions during the blanking intervals
Generation of continuous timing signals to the panel without CPU intervention
Supports up to a 23-bit address and a 16-bit data async SRAM device used as externally provided frame buffer
Generates a selectable interrupt pulse at the entry and exit of the horizontal and vertical blanking intervals