Static Segment LCD (StaticSegLCD)
General Description

The Static Segment LCD (LCD_SegStatic) component can directly drive 3.3-V and 5.0-V LCD glass. This component provides an easy method of configuring the PSoC™ device for your custom or standard glass.
Each LCD pixel/symbol may be either on or off. The Static Segment LCD component also provides advanced support to simplify the following types of display structures within the glass:
7-Segment numeral
14-Segment alphanumeric
16-Segment alphanumeric
1- to 255-element bar graph
- 1 to 61 pixels or symbols
- 10- to 150-Hz refresh rate
- User-defined pixel or symbol map with optional 7-segment, 14-segment, 16-segment and bar graph calculation routines
- Direct drive static (one common) LCDs