Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE_PDL)
General Description

The Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) PDL Component provides a comprehensive GUI-based configuration window to facilitate designing applications requiring BLE connectivity. The BLE_PDL Component incorporates a Bluetooth Core Specification v5.0 compliant protocol stack and provides APIs to enable user applications to access the underlying hardware via the stack.
The BLE_PDL Component is a hybrid: graphical configuration entity with a set of Component-specific API built on top of the BLE middleware available in the PDL. It allows schematic-based connections and hardware configuration as defined by the Component Configure dialog.
- Multi-link support up to four simultaneous connections in any combination of roles
- Bluetooth v5.0 compliant protocol stack
- Generic Access Profile (GAP) and Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Features
- Security Manager Features
- Logical Link Adaption Protocol (L2CAP) Connection Oriented Channel
- Link Layer (LL) Features
- Hybrid Component (Peripheral Driver Library (PDL) and Component Application Programming Interface (API))