汽车传统动力总成 IC
英飞凌的 汽车传统动力总成 IC 专为汽车电子系统中的特定应用而开发
汽车传统动力总成 IC 子类别
英飞凌是汽车电子 IC 领域的领先和先驱企业。我们在该领域的持续成功归功于我们对汽车应用和标准有着的明确战略重心,用 40 多年的专业经验所积累到的理解和见解,以及能够凭借全面且优质的产品组合在这一市场上不断创新。英飞凌的汽车集成电子解决方案用于混合动力汽车和电动汽车、汽车安全系统、动力总成系统、车身电子设备和底盘、安全和高级驾驶辅助系统。
探索英飞凌的汽车传统动力总成 IC 产品组合,从这里开始您的开发流程。如果您需要任何帮助,请随时联系英飞凌支持部门。
提供标准 LIN 接口规格和 OEM 认证
交流发电机稳压器 — 根据标准 LIN 接口规格设计,英飞凌提供一系列符合 OEM 标准的 AEC-Q100 认证的全集成交流发电机控制 IC。灵活且易于切换的汽车 IC 可进行定制,以满足特定的 OEM 或应用需求,同时提供增强的调节性能。
发动机管理IC — 英飞凌为四缸发动机提供一体化汽车集成电子解决方案,并为小型单缸内燃机(例如摩托车、机动船只以及草坪拖拉机和割草机)提供解决方案。我们的发动机管理 IC 系列通过在微控制器和执行器之间提供可靠的电源接口,为电子控制系统提供支持。
用于变速箱的恒流控制 IC —通常用于自动变速箱和怠速气门悬架控制。我们的汽车级恒流控制 IC是高精度稳压器,可在多达 8 个电感器中提供恒定电流,具备可靠且成熟的安全监控和诊断功能。
汽车 IC 是针对汽车电子系统中的特定应用定制的。英飞凌提供广泛的产品组合,涵盖用于交流发电机电子设备、发动机管理和变速箱控制系统的汽车传统动力总成集成电路。这些产品的设计符合最高标准,同时显著提高了性能。英飞凌的汽车电子设备用于混合动力汽车和电动汽车、汽车安全系统、动力总成系统、车身电子设备和底盘、安全和高级驾驶辅助系统。
Automotive ICs are customized ICs for specific applications within the automotive electronic system. Infineon offers a wide product portfolio covering Automotive Conventional Powertrain ICs for alternator electronics, engine management, transmission control systems. The products have been designed to meet the highest standards, while simultaneously increasing the performance significantly. Infineons automotive electronics are used in hybrid and electric vehicles, automotive security systems, powertrain systems, body electronics and chassis, safety and ADAS.
Our commitment to quality is demonstrated through our focus on automotive excellence with the most rigorous zero-defect program in the industry. On this websites we provide an overview of our ICs and their packages, which are automotive-qualified (AEC-Q100 or AEC-Q101 refers on the respective device) and available for your current and future electronic system designs.
At Infineon, our mission is to help you transition your idea to a fully functional solution as quickly and effortlessly as possible. This is why we place all the support, tools and information resources you need at your fingertips. You will find production documentation like data sheets and application notes as well as design files and simulation models or evaluation boards on the product’s webpage. You can discover the ACIC Alternator Regulator board here.
With Infineon’s Tool & Software offering on the product webpages, you can search for more development support for specific products.