Home 产品分类 功率器件 GaN HEMT – 氮化镓晶体管 IGOT60R070D1 IGOT60R070D1 综述 CoolGaN™600V 电子模式功率晶体管IGOT60R070D1具有极高的效率和可靠性 IGOT60R070D1 CoolGaN™600V 增强型功率晶体管提供快速的开关速度和最小的开关损耗, 并实现最高效率的简单半桥拓扑结构。 CoolGaN™600V系列符合全面为GaN而定制的认证,远远超出现有标准。 它针对数据通信和服务器开关电源,电信以及适配器,充电器,无线充电以及其他需要最高效率或功率密度的应用。 特征 增强模式晶体管 - 常关型开关 超快速开关 没有反向恢复电荷 能够反向传导 低栅极电荷,低输出电荷 卓越的换向坚固性 符合JEDEC标准(JESD47和JESD22)的工业应用 优点 提高系统效率 提高功率密度 实现更高的操作频率 降低系统成本 降低EMI 目标应用 工业 电信 数据中心开关电源基于半桥拓扑 很遗憾,您的浏览器不支持嵌入式框架(iframe)。您可以点击此处查看嵌入式页面。 指标参数 文件 订单 设计支持 视频 Share Leader in power systems, mastering all three technologies Revolutionize your designs with GaN HV-LV DC/DC Pioneering GaN-ready motor control with PSOC™ Control Scaling GaN to higher power levels in IBCs and LV drives 10 kW electric vehicle charger with CoolGaN™ Driving Infineon's CoolGaN™ GIT HEMTs with EiceDRIVER™ gate driver ICs Infineon CoolGaN™ delivers dynamic and cost effective solutions Experience the difference of Si / SiC / GaN technology CoolGaN™ - the new power paradigm CoolGaN™ 600V e-mode HEMT half-bridge evaluation platform featuring GaN EiceDRIVER™ Part 1 CoolGaN™ 600V e-mode HEMT half-bridge evaluation platform featuring GaN EiceDRIVER™ Part 2 CoolGaN™ 600V e-mode HEMT half-bridge evaluation platform featuring GaN EiceDRIVER™ Part 3 Infineon’s 3.6 kW LLC and PFC full system solution using CoolGaN™ 840 watt isolated full-bridge primary, center tap secondary evaluation unit using CoolGaN™ Infineon’s ¼ brick full-bridge to center tap isolated DC to DC converter 3600 W full-bridge to full-bridge LLC DC-DC CoolGaN™ demonstration board 3-phase GaN motor inverter demonstration with CoolGaN™ The advantages of using the CoolGaN™ 600 V e-mode HEMTs in class E wireless charging applications Infineon demonstration boards for telecom featuring #CoolGaN™ Rethink your system: hyper-scale computing enabled by #Infineon Infineon’s GaN solution – easier to use GaN than ever before Dr. Gerald Deboy, Senior Principal Power Semiconductors and System Engineering, gives insights into CoolGaN™ Get the know-how of driving CoolGaN™ e-mode HEMTs from an expert!| GaN EiceDRIVER™ Unboxing CoolGaN™ 600V e-mode HEMT half-bridge evaluation platform featuring GaN EiceDRIVER™| EVAL_1EDF_G1_HB_GAN Driver ICs for GaN HEMTs| GaN EiceDRIVER™ Lab session - 2500W full-bridge totem pole PFC evaluation board using CoolGaN™ 600V e-mode HEMT | Watch in CN language | EVAL_2500W_PFC_GAN_A Unboxing 2500W full-bridge totem pole PFC evaluation board using CoolGaN™ 600V e-mode HEMT| EVAL_2500W_PFC_GAN_A CoolGaN™ 600V e-mode HEMTs bring enterprise and hyperscale data center servers to the next level of efficiency| Watch in CN language Wireless power devices with GaN Multicopter solutions with AURIX™ and CoolGaN™ Dr. Wei Deng, Senior Product Marketing Manager High Voltage GaN - CoolGaN™ opens new horizons for applications CoolGaN™ - the new power paradigm. Ultimate efficiency and reliability. 合作伙伴 培训 Bi-directional converters using WBG Understand why to use WBG switches for bi-directional converters, the topologies used and how they function. Click here to watch eLearning Benefits of low inductance packages for wide bandgap semiconductors By watching this eLearning you will: Understand package inductance Know why wide bandgap transistors are more susceptible to package inductance, and Identify which Infineon package types have lower inductance Click here to watch eLearning 包装 质量 Please register or log in to myInfineon to request Product Reliability Data via our support portal 支持 联系