EiceDRIVER™ 1ED 紧凑型栅极驱动器 IC
5.7 kV (rms),14 A隔离型单沟道栅极驱动器家族:易于设计,带独立输出或米勒钳位功能,采用DSO-8 150 mil和300 mil封装
1ED 紧凑型Compact家族:采用DSO-8 150 mil窄体封装,具有功能隔离,包含9个型号
- 1ED-AF产品:独立输出,最高输出电流可达10A
- 1ED-MF产品:有源米勒钳位,最高输出电流可达6A
X3 Compact紧凑型家族(1ED31XX):采用DSO-8 150 mil窄体封装和300 mil宽体封装(8-mm爬电距离),满足最高隔离标准,拥有14个型号
- 1ED31xxMx12H产品:具有最高14A输出电流能力,带独立输出或米勒钳位,采用DSO-8 300 mil封装,已通过 UL 1577认证:1分钟 VISO = 5.7 kV (rms)和VDE 0884-11认证(加强绝缘):VIORM = 1767 V
- 1ED31xxMU12F产品:具有最高14A输出电流能力,带独立单独输出或米勒钳位,采用DSO-8 150 mil封装,已通过 UL 1577认证:1分钟 VISO = 3 kV (rms)
2L-SRC Compact紧凑型家族(1ED32xx):实现两级电压转换速率控制
- 1ED32xxMx12H产品具有两级电压转换速率控制能力,可实现每个开关周期调整栅极电阻,或按照系统工况调整栅极电阻。该产品具有最高18A输出电流能力,标准输出配置,米勒钳位选项。隔离认证包括UL 1577认证:1分钟 VISO = 5.7 kV (rms)和VDE 0884-11认证(加强绝缘):VIORM = 1767 V。
Infineon now also features the EiceDRIVER™ Power 2EP1xxR family, a full-bridge transformer driver IC housed in a compact TSSOP8 pin package that provides a simple power-supply alternative to generate an asymmetric output voltage to supply isolated gate drivers. The IC features a unique duty-cycle adjustment capability, integrated temperature, short-circuit, and UVLO protections, and frequency adjustment options, all of which contribute to highly efficient, customizable, and flexible design possibilities aimed at reducing system costs and enhancing reliability. Designed to optimally supply gate drivers for various switches, it supports TRENCHSTOP™ IGBTs, OptiMOS™ MOSFETs, CoolMOS™ superjunction MOSFETs, CoolGaN™ high electron mobility transistors, and CoolSiC™ MOSFETs, working seamlessly with EiceDRIVER™ Compact Isolated Gate Driver ICs and other similar products.

EiceDRIVER™紧凑型栅极驱动器具有最高14 A的驱动能力,替代了原来的电流扩展解决方案。它们不仅适用于IGBT或MOSFET等传统功率开关的驱动,也适用于碳化硅(SiC) MOSFET或IGBT7等采用前沿技术功率开关的驱动。
尤其是米勒钳位选项,它通过避免寄生导通效应——特别是在驱动CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET和TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7时,赋予应用卓越的安全性。
用途最广而又最简单的EiceDRIVER™ Compact紧凑型电气隔离驱动,基于我们的无磁芯变压器(CT)技术,实现了世界一流的200 kV/μs共模瞬态抗扰度(CMTI)。它们适用于组串式光伏逆变器、电动汽车充电、UPS、工业变频器、CAC、焊接设备、感应加热设备、以及服务器和电信系统的电源等驱动。
新X3 Compact紧凑型家族(1ED31xx)的严格传输时延匹配(最多7 ns),可为快速开关应用带来更短的死区时间和更高的精确度。所有产品都具有这样的特性。
- 主动关断能力,可确保在输出芯片未连接到电源的情况下,IGBT 处于安全关闭状态。
- 短路钳位,限制短路时的栅极电压。
新2L-SRC Compact紧凑型家族(1ED32xx)具有两级电压转换速率控制,可帮助优化系统效率,增强抗电磁干扰能力。
1ED 紧凑型150 mil家族 | X3 紧凑型(1ED31xx)家族 | 2L-SRC 紧凑型(1ED32xx)家族 |
EiceDRIVER™ isolated gate driver certification
Every switch needs a driver, and the right driver makes a difference.
Infineon offers different isoalted gate driver families, such as the EiceDRIVER™ Compact and the EiceDRIVER™ Enhanced. Each family has different features to protect the switch and application.
The EiceDRIVER™ isolated gate driver offers advanced features such as reinforced isolation, Miller clamp, slew rate control and short circuit protection to protect the switch and application. It also enables condition monitoring and rapid prototyping.
The EiceDRIVER™ is the perfect fit for industrial application, particular in combination with Infineon CoolSiC™ and IGBT switches.

The EiceDRIVER™ 2L-SRC Compact family (1ED32xx), with two-level slew-rate control and Miller Clamp
2L-SRC optimizes the gate resistors for EMI measurements and for normal operation, compared with the conventional solution
Up to 18 A output current, 200 kV/µs CMTI, VDE 0884-11 & UL 1577, ideal for CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET and IGBT7 in drive, solar, UPS, etc.

- The EiceDRIVER™ X3 Compact family (1ED31xx), with up to 14 A output current, 2300 V functional isolation, 200 kV/µs CMTI
- Show system benefit of Miller clamp, separate output, active shutdown, short circuit clamping, 7-ns prop. delay matching
- Perfect for CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET and IGBT7. VDE 0884-11 & UL 1577. For solar, EV charging, industrial drive, UPS, SMPS

You will have a glimpse of the different gate driver technologies available at Infineon and their benefits.
For a better understanding we will take a look at the optimization of external gate resistors to drive MOSFETs in a given application.
With this training, you will learn how to calculate a gate resistance value for an IGBT application, how to identify suitable gate driver ICs based on peak current and power dissipation requirements, and how to fine-tune the gate resistance value in laboratory environment based on worst case conditions.

- EiceDRIVER™ isolated gate driver family use the state-of-the-art coreless transformer (CT) isolation technology
- The CT based isolated gate driver offers higher current, lower power consumption, better CMTI and best in class propagation delay matching
- Perfect for CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET and IGBT7. VDE 0884-11 & UL 1577. For solar, EV charging, industrial drive, UPS, etc.