EiceDRIVER™高边栅极驱动器IC包括隔离式栅极驱动器、电平转换栅极驱动器和非隔离式栅极驱动器系列,由于具有真正的差分控制输入, 可用作高边驱动器。我们提供单通道和双通道电气隔离栅极驱动器 IC。有些包括高级保护功能,例如DESAT和有源米勒钳位,有些则具有UL和VDE认证。
我们提供多种 UVLO 阈值选项,以适合 OptiMOS™ 功率 MOSFET、CoolMOS™ 超结 MOSFET、CoolSiC™ MOSFET 和 CoolGaN™ HEMT。我们还提供具有过流保护功能的单通道电平转换高边栅极驱动器 IC,非常适合降压拓扑。还包括符合汽车标准的高边栅极驱动器 IC。在高压侧电压不超过 100 V 的情况下,非隔离 TDI 栅极驱动器系列不失为一种有吸引力的选择,例如在某些buck-boost电路、电池供电的电机驱动应用以及半桥或全桥同步整流电路中。
英飞凌和国际整流器公司凭借数十年的应用专长和技术开发,推出了一系列栅极驱动器集成电路,可用于硅和宽禁带功率器件,如 MOSFET、分立式 IGBT、IGBT 模块、SiC MOSFET 和 GaN HEMT。我们提供优秀的产品系列,包括电隔离栅极驱动器、汽车级栅极驱动器、200 V、500-700 V、1200 V 电平转换栅极驱动器以及非隔离低端驱动器。

Did you know statistics show that the rise in population and economy will drive energy demand to increase by 58% by 2040?
Also, the current climate concerns and geopolitical instability make it even more attractive than ever to generate green, sustainable, and efficient energy, right from home!
Photovoltaic technology, for example, provides a new level of energy independence. Like few other energy sources, solar is accessible directly by consumers and communities, allowing them to build small, independent power grids for personal or collective use.
It is here that Infineon can assist our customers by providing the best-in-class solutions for each application!

As mentioned in the first part, beside social and economic reasons, climate concerns and geopolitical instability make the possibility of generating green, sustainable, and efficient energy right from home very attractive and desirable, and photovoltaic technology provides that level of energy independence.
With that in mind, Infineon is ready to assist our customers, by providing the best-in-class solutions for each application!
Stay tuned, to learn more about it!

- EiceDRIVER™ Enhanced now include 1ED34XX (X3 Analog), with DESAT(adjustable filter time), soft-off(adjustable current)
- Up to 9 A output current, 200 kV/µs CMTI, 30 ns Max. propagation delay matching, 40 V Max output supply voltage.
- Perfect for CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET. VDE 0884-11 & UL 1577 (planned). For solar, EV charging, industrial drive, UPS, etc.