PrimePACK™ IGBT 模块
出色的 PrimePACKTM IGBT 半桥模块和斩波器模块与内部 NTC 完美组合,为现代转换器集成带来独特的优化的概念。
该模块主要具备以下优势,高可靠性和终身使用要求、优化的热性能、低杂散电感、工作温度范围广、高隔离度集成式 NTC 以及英飞凌 TRENCHSTOPTM 技术。

采用IGBT4的标准PrimePACK™模块采用半桥或斩波器配置。PrimePACK™ 2和3封装具备高功率密度,因此可实现设计紧凑的小型逆变器。
该IGBT模块系列采用1200和1700 V TRENCHSTOP™技术。它配备一个具有高隔离度的集成NTC。

IGBT4和IGBT5 PrimePACK™模块均采用预涂导热材料(TIM)。
采用TIM的PrimePACK™ IGBT模块提高了系统可靠性并优化了热管理,譬如,使用英飞凌的TIM时,观察到Tj降低了8 K,而没有出现外溢问题和热稳定性衰退的情况。

PrimePACK™ 2300 V with TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7

Solar power plants with central inverters are essential power sources for the worldwide energy supply of the future. Based on the continuous power increase of these solar plants, the elevated operation voltage of 1500 V has become the new standard.
This paper presents the latest TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 and emitter-controlled 7th generation diode of the new 2300 V voltage class. These technologies were developed to meet the requirements of solar central converters with a DC-link voltage of 1500 V. Especially the cosmic radiation failure rate is limiting the usage of devices with nominal voltages up to 1700 V.

This paper introduces a new power semiconductor solution allowing NPC2 designs in megawatt solar central inverters using 1500 VDC operation voltage. The NPC2 solution is based on a PrimePACK™ 3+ IGBT power module rated at 2300 V combined with a PrimePACK™ 3+ 1200 V module in common collector configuration with the latest TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 technology from Infineon.

Let the sun shine with Infineon’s new 2300 V PrimePACK™ 3+ module for 1500 V PV central inverters. In this training, you can get to know them.
Today, electrification is revolutionizing transportation. But commercial, construction and agricultural vehicles, pose challenges for power electronics. Machines operate anywhere from the artic to the desert, have a long operating life and minimum down time – and are constantly exposed to shock and vibration. Electrification brings a world of new opportunity to CAV – and Infineon equips your designs with expert solutions destined for the future.
Infineon's high power IGBT7 in PrimePACK™ package provides many benefits when compared to previous generations. Stay tuned to know more!
In this training you will take a look at Infineon’s PrimePACK™ family’s latest addition and find out how it provides superior solutions for wind converter designs.
- the history of wind energy and its future challenges
- a comparison between standard IGBTs and PrimePACK™ .XT IGBTs regarding their composition and production processes
- the solution for wind energy production in locations with low wind speeds
Let the sun shine with Infineon’s new 2300 V PrimePACK™ 3+ module for 1500 V PV central inverters. In this training, you can get to know them.

In this training you will get an overview of the PrimePACK™ portfolio and how it fulfils the requirements of heavy duty CAV applications.