650V CoolMOS™ CFD7A-电动汽车充电-英飞凌(Infineon)官网
CoolMOS™ N 沟道汽车级SJ 功率 MOSFET CFD7A
电动汽车不再只是一个流行词语。汽车行业这一强劲势头反映了未来十年全球电动汽车的销量预测, 并呈现出一个明显趋势:电气化普及之势已然到来。展示技术、质量和生产方面的深厚专业知识 最新硅基 650V CoolMOS™ SJ 功率 MOSFET CFD7A 经过专门优化,可以满足电动汽车应用 (如车载充电器、HV-LV DC-DC 转换器和辅助电源)的要求。凭借其在汽车行业积累的 10 余年经 验,CoolMOS™ CFD7A 不仅具有远超 AEC Q101 标准的卓越质量,还兼具无与伦比的专有技术。CoolMOS™ CFD7A 系列在高度自动化的 300mm 生产线上制造而成,能够在批量生产中实现零缺陷目标,同时满足不断增长的市场需求

- Introduce Infineon’s automotive MOSFETs for electric two-wheeler applications, its key features, benefits, as well as the technical support available
- Identify the target applications of electric two-wheelers that require automotive MOSFETs.

- Infineon’s Dual Gate MOSFET (IAUTN08S5N012L) is an 80 V product with an RDS of 1.15 milliohms, making it an ideal choice for use in disconnect switches
- Learn more about this product and its use in power distribution applications in this training

- Be familiar with Infineon’s measures to reduce the failure rate and to prove the quality level of a product
- Identify the right product based on given target application requirements

- Get to know today`s fast growing automotive MOSFET market.
- Know more about Infineon`s wide MOSFET selection for 48 V mild-hybrid electric vehicle, or MHEV, applications.

- Learn how Infineon defines a true culture of quality.
- Get to know Infineon`s Zero Defect approach and how Infineon goes beyond the requiriments when it comes to automotive MOSFET qulification.

- Get to know Infineon’s Automotive MOSFET data sheet.
- Improve your understanding of the parameters and diagrams in the document, which will help you better evaluate the device’s limits and capabilities.

- Know the different 48 V applications for the new drivetrain architectures.
- Get an overview of Infineon`s comprehensive MOSFET portfolio.

- Have an overview of the converters needed in electric vehicles.
- Analyze the 2-quadrant converter topology in buck and boost mode and the half-bridge converter with center tap rectification topology.

- Recognize the different types of setups in the data sheets.
- Be able to calculate the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance value, the power losses, and the static DC current.
The next generation of automotive applications presents several challenges for on-board charger design configurations.
To meet all the while keeping costs in mind, Infineon offers a combination of technologies, such as silicon and silicon carbide MOSFETs, in multiple packaging solutions to enhance topology innovation.