N 沟道和 P 沟道互补式 MOSFET
英飞凌互补式功率 MOSFET 以高、低边配置将 N 沟道与 P 沟道 MOSFET 集成至单个封装中。该双 MOSFET 系列采用 OptiMOS™ 和IR MOSFET™技术,可满当下应用的较高标准与性能需求。
此类 MOSFET 互补对不仅能提高设计效率,亦可简化产品结构。诸如 SO8、PQFN3x3 和 TSOP-6 等紧凑型封装均可用于此类 MOSFET,进而打造出成本优化型解决方案。其目标应用包括 DC-DC 转换、电机控制、电池管理以及车载充电器。
浏览下方产品表,查找您所需的互补式 MOSFET(电压范围 20 V-60 V)。
- High and low-side MOSFETs in a single package
- High-side P-channel MOSFET
- Industry-standard pinout
- Compatible with existing surface mount techniques
- RoHS complaint
- Best price/performance
- Ease of use
- Ease of design
- Simplified drive circuitry
- Multi-vendor compatibility
- Streamline manufacturing
- Environmentally friendly

Dual MOSFETs allow better electrical control and enhanced driver performance and offer lower power consumption in smaller, more compact packages.
For this reason, dual-channel MOSFETs are used in RF amplifiers, RF mixer/multiplier applications and level/gain control applications.
Dual channel MOSFETs are a good choice for domestic robot applications (vacuum & lawn mowing robots), consumer drone and many other applications in the motor control design.
The automotive industry also uses dual MOSFETS for a number of applications including hybrid power train drives, direct fuel injection and DC-DC converter applications to name only a few. Infineon’s range of dual channel MOSFETs offer rugged and flexible solutions for a variety of automotive applications.