采用TO247-3封装的1200V 7mΩ CoolSiC™ 沟槽型碳化硅MOSFET
- 出类拔萃的开关损耗和导通损耗
- 高阈值电压,Vth > 4 V
- 0V关断栅极电压,实现简单的栅极驱动
- 宽栅源电压范围
- 坚固的低损耗体二极管,适用于硬开关
- 关断损耗受温度影响小
- .XT扩散焊技术,可实现一流的热性能
- 最高效率
- 减少冷却工作
- 更高频率的运行
- 增加功率密度
- 降低系统的复杂程度

This training will introduce you to how the CoolSiC™ will help to design the next generation of servo drives.
If you want to be an expert of CoolSiC™ discretes and the .XT technology, watch this video!
Driving a CoolSiC™ MOSFET is much easier than you think. This training will show you how it can be driven with a 0 V turn-off gate voltage.
With the growing market of electrical vehicles, the industry has put forward more requirements for the performance of charging piles. This e-learning will show you that the emergence of CoolSiC™ MOSFETs has improved the charging pile industry to make the EV charger smaller, faster and with higher efficiency.
This training helps you understand how to optimize devices’ behavior in their applications with Infineon’s SPICE Compact Models for CoolSiC™ MOSFETs.
In this video, you will focus on the comparison of the power handling capacity of IGBTs and SiC MOSFETs. Go through the different aspects that need to be considered when dimensioning an IGBT or a MOSFET for a certain application.