碳化硅CoolSiC™ MOSFET 半导体和功率器件
CoolSiC™ MOSFET模块技术采用不同封装和拓扑
英飞凌CoolSiC™ MOSFET功率模块系列可为逆变器设计人员带来新的机会,助力实现前所未有的效率和功率密度。碳化硅(SiC)半导体用作开关时,支持更高的工作温度和开关频率,从而提升整体系统效率。此外,碳化硅(SiC)功率模块 RDS 从 52.9 mOhm到1.44 mOhm ,可针对不同的应用需求进行定制。
我们的CoolSiC™ MOSFET功率模块系列拥有不同的配置,如三电平、半桥、fourpack、sixpack或Boost 升压电路。得益于先进的沟槽设计,1200 V和2000 V SiC MOSFET模块具有卓越的栅极氧化可靠性及一流的开关和导通损耗。
所有EasyPACK™、EasyDUAL™和62mm CoolSiC™ MOSFET功率模块不仅可订购预涂导热介质(TIM)版本,而且还可以提供具有其它特性的版本。例如,我们采用高性能氮化铝(AIN)陶瓷的Easy模块大大改善了RthJH 散热性能。
新一代 M1H Easy和62毫米模块即将问世
英飞凌提供范围广泛的硅IGBT和CoolSiC MOSFET车用功率模块(power module),可适配多种混合动力汽车和电动汽车应用:动力电机逆变器(将来自高压蓄电池的直流电转化为驱动电机所需的交流电)、车载电池充电器、辅助逆变器、HV/LV DC-DC转换器以及燃料电池电动汽车 (FCEV) 的特定应用,如燃料电池空气压缩机和DC-DC升压转换器。

SiC MOSFET 1200 V门极驱动芯片

CoolSiC™ MOSFET等超快速开关器件的完美使用需要性能优异的门极驱动。因此,建议选择基于英飞凌无铁芯变压器技术的隔离驱动EiceDRIVER™芯片
This video highlights the benefits of CoolSiC(TM), as seen through the eyes of our customers. Featuring testimonials from alpitronic, Tritium, Lite-On, Siemens Mobility, and Fronius, we see how SiC is driving innovation in energy generation, storage, and consumption.
This training will show you what makes CoolSiC™ the perfect choice for UPS applications.
This training covers the properties of Silicon Carbide which change the way how an inverter is designed compared to Si-chips. With that in mind, we explain SiC specific degradation mechanisms and how to ensure that SiC devices survive in the application, considering these special failure modes, by applying the reliability tests Infineon developed. These are internally mandatory for SiC device qualifications to ensure better quality, safety, and reliable device performance for years.
CoolSiC™ MOSFET 网络研讨会
This training will introduce you to the gate oxide reliability of CoolSiC™ MOSFETs and how Infineon's design enables the effective screening of defects by opting for a trench MOSFET.
Additionally, you will understand how this decision has allowed Infineon to achieve high reliability that surpasses that of mature silicon technology without negatively impacting key performance parameters.

The switching performance in particular is influenced by the chip's inherent properties, the device's operating conditions and the external circuitry. Optimizing operating conditions and circuitry can significantly improve the device performance in an application.
Circuit designers benefit from SPICE compact models that they can use in computer simulation to understand, troubleshoot and optimize the static and dynamic device behavior of applications through virtual prototyping.
This training explains the characteristics and use cases of simulation models offered by Infineon for CoolSiC™ MOSFETs, what to use them for and how to use them effectively.
This training provides an insight about the system benefits of wide-bandgap devices, which will conquer market share in areas where power density, efficiency and/or battery range are decisive. The training focuses on two applications, mobile chargers and on-board chargers, and will talk about the challenges faced by the solutions today and how SiC and GaN provide next levels of performance.
CoolSiC™ MOSFET Microlearnings
This training will introduce you to the gate oxide reliability of CoolSiC™ MOSFETs and how Infineon's design enables the effective screening of defects by opting for a trench MOSFET.
Additionally, you will understand how this decision has allowed Infineon to achieve high reliability that surpasses that of mature silicon technology without negatively impacting key performance parameters.
Key takeaways
- Be familiar with the target applications for CoolSiC™ MOSFET 750 V
- Know the key features and recognize the benefits
- Understand its positioning compared to other technologies
- Know where to find support material and more information
Discover the benefits and challenges associated with connecting SiC power MOSFETs in parallel
By the end of this training, you will be familiar with CoolSiC™ MOSFET 1200 V M1H technology for Easy modules and with Infineon ever-expanding Easy module portfolio in the area of wide band gap material and know about the key features and benefits that are coming along with our latest M1H 1200 V series.
With the growing market of electrical vehicles, the industry has put forward more requirements for the performance of charging piles.
This e-learning will show you that the emergence of CoolSiC™ MOSFETs has improved the charging pile industry to make the EV charger smaller, faster and with higher efficiency.
This training will introduce you to how the CoolSiC™ will help to design the next generation of servo drives.
Driving a CoolSiC™ MOSFET is much easier than you think. This training will show you how it can be driven with a 0 V turn-off gate voltage.
With this training you will learn how to calculate a reference gate resistance value for your Silicon Carbide MOSFET, how to identify suitable gate driving ICs based on peak current and power dissipation requirements and to fine-tune the gate resistance value in laboratory environment based on worst case conditions.
In this video, you will focus on the comparison of the power handling capacity of IGBTs and SiC MOSFETs, Go through the different aspects that need to be considered when dimensioning an IGBT or a MOSFET for a certain application.

- Distinguish the features and benefits of Infineon’s CoolSiC™ solutions in target applications and identify Infineon’s fully scalable CoolSiC™ portfolio to meet this automotive market transition
- Explain the reasons for the increasing introduction of silicon carbide technology in the automotive applications

Infineon offers trusted expertise in all 3 main power semiconductor technologies. Check out how to position them in AC-DC applications!
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