PMSM/BLDC motor & PFC controller with additional 32-bit microcontroller
iMOTION™ IMC300 motor & PFC controller with Motion Control Engine (MCE 2.0), scripting and Arm® Cortex®-M0 MCU in QFP-64 package.
The IMC302A-F064 is a highly flexible control solution for variable speed drives including power factor correction (PFC) based on a dual core device.
The motor and PFC controller performs sensor less field oriented control (FOC) for a variable speed drive based on a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) in parallel with a boost or totem pole PFC. The integrated MCU is based on an 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M0 core and is used to implement customer functionality.
- Highly flexible combination of
- Ready-to-use motor and PFC controller with
- Industry standard microcontroller
- iMOTION™ Motion Control Engine (MCE 2.0)
- Field proven computation engine for high efficiency sinusoidal motor control
- Single or leg shunt
- Sensorless or optional hall support
- Integrated protection features
- Integrated microcontroller (MCU)
- Industry standard Arm® Cortex®-M0 core
- flexible peripherals and communication interfaces
- MCE-MCU communication interface
- High-speed serial link and protocol
- Configuration, control, reporting
- Support for functional safety (IEC 60730, Class B)
- Fastest time to market
- No programming required
- Easy motor/PFC parametrization and tuning
- Full protection for power stage and motor
- Lowest BOM cost
- no external OPAMP or comparators required
- Single shunt sensorless FOC operation (leg shunt/ hall sensors optional)
- Integrated PFC control (boost/totem pole)
- Full customer application flexibility
- Freely programmable MCU
- Independent operation of MCE and MCU
- Use of full Arm® ecosystem
- Full flexibility on gate driver and power stage
Find out what iMOTION™ Solution Designer offers you, how projects are created and the work flow in terms of configuration, tuning, dashboards and scripting. The tool guides you through the complete project workflow, achieving the shortest time to market with the lowest R&D efforts.
The latest software release of Infineon's iMOTION™ Motion Control Engine (or MCE) supports two kinds of Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter communication options. This training focuses on the Configurable UART communication protocol.

The iMOTION™ Solution Designer bundles all PC-based support functions related to setting up and running iMOTION™ products. This includes the configuration, programming and live tuning using configurable oscilloscopes as well as script editing and debugging. This training will help you get started with iMOTION™ Solution Designer.
iMOTION™ 2.0的发布恰逢其时。市场的最新趋势表明,无论是大公司还是小公司,"变频化"都已占据主导地位,并已广泛应用于冰箱等传统应用以及吹风机和净水器等新应用中。
为了跟上趋势,公司必须将过时的单速电机转换为变频电机加驱动器。最新的iMOTION™ 2.0是交钥匙解决方案,由先进的软件、硬件、原型设计、评估板以及支持资料组成,借助高效的变频电机驱动解决方案,客户比以往任何时候都能更轻松并能以更低的成本进入市场。
观看此视频,了解iMOTION™ 2.0的新功能。