IMM102T-015M是一个iMOTION™ IPM,它采用12x12 mm PQFN封装,集成了MCE 2.0电机控制器和PFC控制器以及带有500 V / 6 Ω RDS(on)MOSFET的三相逆变器。
- 高效三相电机控制
- 灵活的感测选项(单路/支路分流、无传感器、霍尔传感器)
- 电机参数存储
- 多重保护功能
- 集成PFC控制
- 最短的上市时间
- 无需开发软件
- 无需设计逆变器硬件
- 轻松进行参数设置和调校
- 最经济的物料清单成本
- 降低物料清单成本和缩小PCB尺寸
- 降低物料清单成本和缩小PCB尺寸
- 通过脚本为客户增加灵活性
- 三相逆变器的最小PCB尺寸
- PQFN 12x12mm
- 无需高达80W的散热器
Find out what iMOTION™ Solution Designer offers you, how projects are created and the work flow in terms of configuration, tuning, dashboards and scripting. The tool guides you through the complete project workflow, achieving the shortest time to market with the lowest R&D efforts.
The latest software release of Infineon's iMOTION™ Motion Control Engine (or MCE) supports two kinds of Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter communication options. This training focuses on the Configurable UART communication protocol.

The iMOTION™ Solution Designer bundles all PC-based support functions related to setting up and running iMOTION™ products. This includes the configuration, programming and live tuning using configurable oscilloscopes as well as script editing and debugging. This training will help you get started with iMOTION™ Solution Designer.
iMOTION™ 2.0的发布恰逢其时。市场的最新趋势表明,无论是大公司还是小公司,"变频化"都已占据主导地位,并已广泛应用于冰箱等传统应用以及吹风机和净水器等新应用中。
为了跟上趋势,公司必须将过时的单速电机转换为变频电机加驱动器。最新的iMOTION™ 2.0是交钥匙解决方案,由先进的软件、硬件、原型设计、评估板以及支持资料组成,借助高效的变频电机驱动解决方案,客户比以往任何时候都能更轻松并能以更低的成本进入市场。
观看此视频,了解iMOTION™ 2.0的新功能。