SECORA™ Connect NFC可穿戴设备解决方案
英飞凌面向物联网设备的产品系列SECORA™ Connect,不仅能帮助实现安全支付和便捷的生物识别,还能解决OEM和其他行业合作伙伴面临的技术挑战。它为应对日益流行的智能可穿戴设备和物联网设备提供了解决方案。它是一项可被嵌入智能可穿戴设备中的系统解决方案,通过近场通信(NFC)实现非接触式安全支付和交通票务等广泛应用。
SECORA™ Connect是一套完整的交钥匙解决方案,它使用户能够安全地开通、存储、选择和使用支付卡、交通票证等诸多凭证,从而让事实上的可穿戴设备或物联网设备变身为强大的多功能钱包。SECORA™ Connect让智能系统设计人员能够无缝集成一款超紧凑、超低功耗的解决方案,从而实现不同的NFC应用。
SECORA™ Connect产品组合
英飞凌SECORA™ Connect产品组合为OEM和NFC嵌入式系统设计人员带来了诸多益处。该产品组合包含适用于互联智能可穿戴设备的一体式交钥匙NFC解决方案,如具有VISA和万事达卡支付功能、CIPURSE™、CDCVM、PPSE及其他功能(如果需要)的系统级封装。它是具有集成支付功能的物联网设备的理想选择。
凭借预先认证的免接触性能,简单的用户界面,以及基于PSoCTM评估套件的主机轻松集成,SECORA™ Connect解决方案让产品设计人员和OEM能够实现无缝迁移和更快上市。
超小占板面积还大大提高了设计灵活性。它简化了外部电路,节省了晶振,仅需最多7个电容器,拥有高度优化的紧凑外形。场供电NFC和增强NFC确保设备实现超低待机功耗和最长电池寿命。一流的服务和遍布全行业的合作伙伴,使得SECORA™ Connect解决方案很容易与不同形式的互联NFC嵌入式设备集成。
进一步了解SECORA™ Connect产品
SECORA™ Connect S安全解决方案是专为无源NFC设备和应用而设计,如智能手环和智能戒指等NFC嵌入式可穿戴设备。凭借超紧凑的尺寸,该芯片为提供场供电NFC支付功能的小型设备提供了成本低廉的解决方案。适用于单实例支付终端或标记的SECORA™ Connect S,利用Java Card™ 3.0.5和Global Platform 2.3.1操作系统及加密通信来实现快速安全的NFC支付。
SECORA™ Connect X是专为数字化世界中的互联支付而设计的一体式交钥匙NFC解决方案。作为一款超低功耗的增强NFC解决方案,SECORA™ Connect X可支持利用一系列有源设备进行安全支付,包括智能可穿戴设备(智能手环、智能手表、智能戒指等)、汽车物联网设备及其他设备。由于拥有先进的安全远程管理功能,且需要在相应消费终端上进行身份验证,SECORA™ Connect X可支持利用多种终端或支付标记进行安全的远程支付和增强NFC支付。该芯片提供多种接口选项,且使用Java Card™ 3.0.5和Global Platform 2.3.1操作系统。主要为支付、交通和门禁应用而设计的SECORA™ Connect X,是一款安全快速的NFC设备通信解决方案。

Features | Advantages | Benefits |
Boosted and passive NFC | Ultra-low power consumption | Longest battery lifetime. High power efficiency since the boosted NFC front-end requires very little power from the smart device battery; the passive NFC antenna draws no power at all. |
Packaged system-on-chip solutions | Plug-and-play NFC solution | Faster time-to-market. No need for additional NFC modem chip since NFC front-end is already implemented. |
Uniform Secure Element platform | Flexibility | One SE fits all. Customers can leverage the same Secure Element (SE) platform for both boosted and passive NFC architerctures to support different form factor requirements. |
Ultra-small physical footprint | Increased design flexibility | Ideally suited to low-profile microcontrollers. PCB area of only 13.6 mm2, offering more space for other components. |
Simple interface with APDU over ISO7816 or IPC | Speed | Rapid and easy host integration for fast time-to-market. |
Pre-certified payment applications | Faster time-to-market at lower risk | Full system offering facilitates payment network approval process. |
Remote SE management via Decentralized Secure Element Management (DSEM) and via Secure Element Issuer Trusted Service Management (SEI TSM) | Efficient SE management in the field | Both traditional and innovative remote SE management in the field for maximum deployment flexibility. |
Support for CIPURSE™ open standard | Multi-application schemes | Support for latest issuer demands for multi-application cards build on open standards such as CIPURSE™, thus enabling sustainable business models while still ensuring backward compatibility with legacy infrastructure. |
Ready for FIDO U2F, FIDO 2.0 | New use cases | Abbility to differentiate offering by adding authentication and other innovative features to the connected device to target new use cases. |
Best-in-class support and documentation combined with service enablement partner program | Seamless migration | Infineon's global support team with its in-depth expertise, complemented by global partnerships with relevant players, ensure a seamless migration path, ease-of-use, fastest time-to-market and resource efficiencies. |