Battery isolated communication
Unique isolation solutions for transmitting monitored parameters from cell monitoring units to the main ECU, include both wired and wireless battery management topologies. Infineon offers reliable and cost-efficient solutions for battery isolated communication.
Wired BMS Topology
In the wired BMS topology, Infineon offers isolated-UART transceiver solutions with exceptional robustness against noises for both capacitive and inductive types of isolation. The iso-UART offers a robust high-speed communication link across multiple daisy-chained monitoring devices and supports complex battery topologies and up to 1200V battery packs. For additional robustness, the daisy-chaining realizes a redundant ring, which keeps communication up between all connected ICs in case of a broken link. CRC-protected data frames complement communication robustness.
Wireless BMS Topology
Another method to isolate the CMBs is to use wireless transceivers. The advantage of the wireless topology is that isolation is fully guaranteed at all times. Infineon offers a set of automotive grades low-power Bluetooth devices supporting BLE-connected mesh and offering superior network availability, communication bandwidth, lowest packet error rate, and out-of-the-box end-to-end black channel ASIL-D connectivity.