(H)EV – DC-DC-Wandler für Nebenaggregate
Da der Gesamtwirkungsgrad bei allen (H)EVs im Vordergrund steht, ist es sinnvoll, die Verlagerung weiterer, substantieller Lasten in den Hochspannungsbereich in Betracht zu ziehen, wann immer im Fahrzeug eine Hochvoltschiene verfügbar ist. So zum Beispiel bei der elektrischen Servolenkung (EPS): Hier kann der benötigte Elektromotor über einen Wechselrichter für Nebenaggregate gesteuert werden. Andere gängige Einsatzbereiche: Klimakompressoren, elektrische Ladegeräte (eTurbo) und aktive Fahrwerkregelung.
Für diese Anwendungen und viele weitere finden Sie in Infineons breit gefächertem Sortiment bedarfsgerechter Wechselrichter für Nebenaggregate die passende Lösung. Egal, was Sie für Ihr (H)EV benötigen – wir haben die Expertise und die Bauteile, um sie nach Ihren Spezifikationen zu realisieren.
(H)EV – DC-DC-Wandler für Nebenaggregate System Diagramm
- Vollständig für den Automobilbau qualifiziertes Produkt-Portfolio einschließlich Leistungs- und diskreten Modulen
- Unterstützt unterschiedlichste hocheffiziente Konvertierungstopologien (einschließlich bidirektionaler)
- Kompaktes Design mit höchster Leistungsdichte
- Geringe Schaltverluste bei hohen Schaltfrequenzen
- Isolierte Gate-Treiber
- Leistungsstarke Lösungen mit 32-Bit-Mikrocontrollern
- Evaluierungskit zur Verkürzung der Systementwicklungszeit lieferbar
Online Courses

Do you want to know the various topologies you can find in this power conversion stage and their top-level working principle? Get to know the basic concepts of passive and two-level active rectification methods.

Understand why to use WBG switches for bi-directional converters, the topologies used and how they function.

Training topics:
- Get to know how AURIXTM is able to answer the needs of the electric vehicle market
- Recognize and explore how AURIX™ TC3xx addresses key electric vehicle challenges, and understand the main features of the AURIX™ TC3xx microcontroller

In this training you will:
- Get to know Infineon’s IPOSIM tool, specifically for an automotive electric vehicle inverter
- Discover the steps involved in simulating different parameters and comparing the results of different Infineon products to see which is the best fit for your application

- The training covers detailed information about Infineon's 3rd generation automotive EiceDRIVER™ 1EDI305xAS
- Participants will learn how these products help to reduce switching losses and improve thermal efficiency, resulting in longer range for hybrid and electric vehicles
This training covers Infineon’s portfolio of power semiconductors, ranging from D2PAK packages to 62-millimeter modules.
All products are based on the latest micro-pattern trench technology.

In this training you will:
- Be familiar with silicon carbide MOSFET structures and their characteristics
- Get to know Infineon's CoolSiC™ MOSFET, its features, its improvements over a typical trench MOS and how it performs against its competitors

- Have an overview of the converters needed in electric vehicles.
- Analyze the 2-quadrant converter topology in buck and boost mode and the half-bridge converter with center tap rectification topology.
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In this video, you will:
- Be familiar with top-side cooling, its uses and benefits
- Learn how you can get the most out of your TOLT package

In this training you will:
- Understand the benefits that SiC technology has over Si technology in products and systems
- Recognize the benefits of SiC in automotive applications

Learn more about Infineon automotive dependability.

In this video, you will:
- Understand how Infineon’s power semiconductor module portfolio is a solution for the main challenges of the electric vehicle industry
- Know Infineon’s general value drivers as well as recent success stories on the electromobility market

In this training you will:
- Learn about the transition from fule injection combustion engine to full battery electric vehicles and the main 48V powered applications.
- Additionally get an overview about Infineon’s comprehensive MOSFET portfolio for 48 V applications and their support material

- Get to know Infineon’s Automotive MOSFET data sheet
- Improve your understanding of the parameters and diagrams in the document, which will help you better evaluate the device’s limits and capabilities