ModusToolbox™ for Connectivity

ModusToolbox™ for Connectivity is a set of libraries, tools and code examples enabling rapid development of cloud-based PSOC™6 MCU applications interfacing with AIROC™ connectivity devices such as CYW4343W, CYW43012, CYW4373E, and more. These libraries provide functionalities including security, device firmware update support, application layer protocols, and low power among others. ModusToolbox™ for Connectivity works seamlessly with the ModusToolbox™ Software ecosystem and can enable you to add connectivity in your applications,
The above image shows the various applications, libraries and tools available for developing connectivity applications
Download ModusToolbox™ Tools Package today to get started with ModusToolbox™ for Connectivity.
Flexible and Easy-to-Use
- Based on industry standard lwIP TCP/IP stack.
- Flexibility to use non-commercial cloud platforms
- Included support for AWS IoT Device SDK for Embedded C and Microsoft Azure IoT device SDK for C
Comprehensive Collection
- Provides libraries for the entire stack from applications layer to the network layer
- Over-the-Air (OTA) library to update the device in the field
- Low power assistant (LPA) library to offload tasks to the connectivity device and allow the host to enter low power states.
Here are some of the resources available to the user to develop connectivity applications
Over-the-Air (OTA) update
Provides support for over-the-air (OTA) update of the application code running on a PSOC™ 6 MCU with connectivity devices, using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth®.
MQTT client
This library uses the open source MQTT Client library from AWS IoT device SDK embedded C SDK, as well as some glue to ensure it works seamlessly in any environment.
Secure Sockets
This includes network abstraction APIs for underlying lwIP network stack and MbedTLS security library. The secure sockets library eases application development by exposing a socket like interface for both secure and non-secure socket communication.
This is a lightweight open-source TCP/IP stack available within ModusToolbox™ as a third-party library.
Low Power Assistant (LPA)
Allow you to configure a PSOC™ 6 Host and WLAN (Wi-Fi / Bluetooth® Radio) device for optimized low-power operation.
HTTP Server
The http-server library provides communication functions for HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Server.
HTTP Client
This library uses the AWS IoT Device SDK HTTP client library and implements the glue layer that is required for that library to work with our connectivity platforms.
Command Console
This library provides a framework to add command console support to your application, including network operations such as scan and join.
Azure C SDK port library
This library implements the port layer for the Azure SDK for Embedded C to work on PSOC™ 6 MCU connectivity enabled platforms.
AWS IoT Device SDK port library
This library implements the port layer for the AWS IoT C SDK to work on PSOC™ 6 MCU connectivity-enabled platforms.
The latest version of ModusToolbox™ brings in a set of great new features and improvements to make the development of connectivity solutions on Infineon MCUs much easier. The major updates to this release are:
- Updated OTA support for small PSOC™ MCUs
- Added Azure RTOS/NetX support for STM32+CYW4373E in STMCube
- Application Note – ModusToolbox & Friends
Check the ModusToolbox™ run-time software Release Notes for more details.

A partner is a company selected by Infineon based on their proven competence and ability to design and deliver strong and trustworthy solutions, especially for new technologies and application fields. This way the partners can be a huge value add to the ModusToolbox™ ecosystem through development kits / production boards, innovative software IP, middleware or system references to showcase their design skills. See Partner Network webpage for more information. Here are some of the partners we have collaborated with:
Amazon AWS: Infineon’s connectivity devices work with Amazon FreeRTOS. To get more details check out the Getting Started guide
Microsoft Azure: Infineon’s connectivity software provides a port layer for the connectivity devices to work with Microsoft Azure SDK for Embedded C. For more information, checkout the README file for Azure SDK for Embedded
Memfault: Partnership with Memfault offers developers working on Infineon ARM-based microprocessors the diagnostic capabilities, device observability, and remote updating of the Memfault platform.
Golioth: Golioth provides cloud based solutions with features such as Over-the-Air Updates, Remote Procedure Calls, Remote logging etc.
ModusToolbox™ & Friends is a development program which extends the increased productivity, and feature rich platform of ModusToolbox™ with highly innovative, robust and product ready partner software for developers. By opening ModusToolbox™ to partners, it provides a simple and tested integration of valuable software to developers for easy evaluation and integration to meet their product needs. Each partner owns their own software license, allowing them to maintain control of their engagement model. Here are some of the partners who have developed software with Infineon under this program.
To get started with ModusToolbox™ for Connectivity, please download the latest version of ModusToolbox™ Tools Package.
Please refer to the ModusToolbox™ run-time software reference guide for more details.
ModusToolbox™ software training contains a set of modular, in-depth classes that include comprehensive hands-on exercises. These classes offer different levels so that you can learn about a topic quickly and build upon your knowledge as your needs evolve. Currently available classes include Level 1 Getting Started, Level 2 PSOC™ MCUs, and Level 3 Bluetooth®. Check back often because we will add more classes over time, such as Wi-Fi, Machine Learning, and Motor Control.