XMC6521SC-Q040X AA
The XMCXXXXSC devices are members of the XMC1000 Family of microcontrollers based on the ARM Cortex-M0 processor core. The XMCXXXXSC series addresses the real-time control needs of wireless power systems. The XMC6521SC-Q040X is a Qi single coil 15W inductive MP-A11 desktop transmitter.
Zusammenfassung der Merkmale
- 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 CPU Core
- MATH coprocessor
- SRAM (with parity)
- Flash (with ECC)
- 3.3 V or 5 V supply with power on reset and brownout detector
- On-chip clock monitor
- External crystal oscillator support (8 to 20 MHz)
- Window watchdog
- Real time clock module
- Pseudo random number generator
- Four USIC channels, usable as
- UART (115.2 kb/s)
- IIC (up to 400 kb/s)
- A/D converters for voltage and current sensing
- Temperature Sensor
- 2 PWM channels for full bridge coil driver
- 1 PWM channel for step-up or step-down bridge supply control
- 3.3 V or 5 V capable
- Secure bootloader
- VQFN-40 (5x5 mm2)
- Easy to use GUI for programming and debugging