Dual-channel isolated gate driver | EiceDRIVER™ 2EDi
Fast, robust, dual-channel, functional and reinforced MOSFET isolated gate drivers with accurate and stable timing
The EiceDRIVER™ 2EDi, dual-channel isolated product family of gate driver ICs, is designed for robust operation in high performance CoolMOS™, CoolSiC™ and OptiMOS™ MOSFET half-bridges. The products are used in primary- and secondary-side controlled hard- and soft-switching topologies. They are pivotal to optimize power conversion efficiencies and to ensure a robust switched-mode power-supply operation under nominal and abnormal operation.
Key benefits include choice of source/sink currents options of 1A/2A or 4A/8A to optimize MOSFET switching speed and EMI and range of packages (150mil 16-pin DSO, 300mil 16-pin DSO, 5x5 mm 13-pin LGA) to best match isolation ratings and assembly technologies. In addition, the undervoltage lockout (UVLO) function to best fit to MOSFET gate-threshold voltages and the short propagation delay combined with excellent timing accuracy over both temperature and production enable consistent switched-mode power-supply performance under harsh real-life conditions.
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Check out the elearning on the latest 2EDi portfolio.
- Server, telecom, SMPS
- EV Off-board chargers
- Low-voltage drives and power tools
- Solar micro-inverter, solar optimizer
- Industrial power supply (SMPS, residental UPS)
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By taking this course you will learn more about…
- The gate driving limitation in SiC MOSFETs
- The reason for gate driving limitation parameters in datasheets
- The possible solution to overcome those issues and improve the reliability