HybridPACK™ DSC is the perfect high power density solution for your compact, flexible, and integrated inverter design

- Superior power density on system level compared to single sided cooled modules: 40% improved thermal performance, Half the volumetric footprint on inverter level, and 5x gravimetric savings on inverter level
- Proven track record with over 5 Mio electric vehicles sold relying on Infineon´s HybridPACKTM DSC and over 5 years of production experience
- Available with two benchmark automotive chips: IGBT3 and EDT2. IGBT3 is used in older versions, ensuring high robustness and reliability. EDT2 is used in newer versions ensuring an additional 20% in efficiency under light-load conditions
- Advanced on-chip temperature and current sensor allow for 50x faster measurement and enhanced protection due to point-of-interest measurements, thereby allowing for die protection and more efficient inverter design
- Application notes, a new Evaluation Kit for DSC S1 and S2 using a reference cooler from BOYD Corporation is available on the Infineon Website