Core fields

Automotive and power electronics
- Engineering and characterization of embedded-power products for automotive applications
- Development of high-power products for electromobility
Products and solutions with artificial intelligence
- Hardware, software and IP for embedded AI solutions
- Focus on edge-AI and neuromorphic hardware
Design enabling and service competencies
- Digital chip design, functional verification and methodologies
- Development and characterization of basic IP components, with focus on embedded memories
- Data based services and data analytics, including AI methods

Artificial intelligence is a key topic at the DC: Smart chips with embedded AI, intuitive sensor solutions and AI accelerators with extremely low power consumption. Edge-AI enables data processing with artificial intelligence close to the sensor without communicating with a cloud. This makes applications more energy-efficient, faster and safer.
The first Infineon chip with edge-AI is developed in Dresden. The DC is also researching on novel neuromorphic processor architectures for ultra-low power object detection and classification for autonomous driving. Neuromorphic hardware is improving energy efficiency by factor 100. This enables new embedded sensor and data processor chip solutions for future edge-AI applications.

Electromobility is the biggest transformation of the automotive industry ever. The electromobility market will continue to grow significantly in the coming years. Infineon is preparing for this market transformation and the expected need for new products.
At the DC Dresden, a development group is working on high-voltage products. Infineon is already market leader in this segment, will further expand its position as innovation driver and establish Dresden as an additional product development location for electromobility.
Close cooperation with the existing technology development at the site, proximity to the 300mm fab for power semiconductors and synergies in the region are the best prerequisites for another chapter of success.

Autonomous driving
Highly efficient microcontrollers combined with powerful software and artificial intelligence are key enablers for autonomous driving. New drive technologies and artificial intelligence are enabling previously unimagined, revolutionary improvements in areas such as vehicle dynamics, driver assistance and autonomy. For systems that can make critical, autonomous decisions, artificial intelligence is key.

Data Based Services
Products of the Infineon Business Division IPC are widely used in industrial environments, e.g. motor drives, electrical switches, sensors and connectivity. Based on this product range, data based services like predictive maintenance for power modules will provide great opportunities for customers. The Dresden Development Center supports this activity significantly with data science and data engineering experts.
How to predict the remaining lifetime? Infineon has been performing several end-of-life studies of power modules since many years and therefore collected a huge amount of data covering many module characteristics like voltages, temperatures, and thermal resistances over the full lifetime range. This enables deriving lifetime models by using state of the art machine learning approaches. Beside advanced statistics, the expert knowledge of failure mechanisms is used to get reliable predictions. In such applications, customers will have a huge benefit if the Infineon power module enables predictive maintenance instead of run to fail.