Your Idea Pays

Dear colleagues, customers and suppliers,
We are always looking for best processes, technologies and products.
Since years Infineon’s idea management program is an important instrument that supports the collection of good ideas and solutions.
Many improvements out of this pool of ideas allow us to optimize flows and commodities.
You are cordially invited to use this chance to share your ideas with us.
Together we become even more efficient.
I hereby transfer and assign to Infineon Technologies AG all right, title and interest in and to any intellectual property incorporated in suggestions, comments, feedback, ideas or know-how provided to Infineon Technologies AG via this tool, with all rights to exploit such intellectual property at its sole discretion and all obligations resulting therefrom, including, but not limited to the right to file for any intellectual property rights. Without prejudice to the foregoing, I retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual license under such intellectual property rights for my own purposes.