#MakeIoTwork Podcast
Experience Infineon’s world of IoT!
The potential of IoT is well known. But how do we actually implement it? How can people and companies benefit from it? In this podcast, we meet with experts from Infineon, partners and customers and discuss with them how we can make IoT work.
25. Hybrid AI - Engineering knowledge build into AI technology
Data is the new oil. All of you might have heard this metaphor in one or another context. But, what does this actually mean. How can we create value by collecting some ones and zeros? In the context of this podcast, we have already spoken with a variety of guests about collecting data using modern sensors. Today, we want to focus on how we can create value from this data. To discuss this, we invited a wonderful guest. Together with her team, she is an expert in understanding machine data and turning this knowledge into value for enterprises – especially the ones from the industrial sector. Let’s welcome Lisa Erdmann. Lisa is Managing Director of Industrial Analytics.
24. The next generation of Microcontroller for Edge AI applications has arrived
Edge AI is enabling the next generation of smart systems by transferring the intelligence and new functionalities directly on the device, such as an intuitive human-machine interface based on speech and gestures. This is paving the way to a world of seamless interaction, transforming the way we live, work and play. And Edge AI also offers many advantages in terms of data privacy, security, energy-efficiency and latency – just to name some. With our guest, Steven Tateosian, we discuss, how Edge AI can improve our experience as a consumer – meaning the interaction with devices - and what this means technically.
Do you want to learn more about PSoC™ Edge and Artificial Intelligence? Browse our websites to learn more.
23. The future of manufacturing: Exploring smart factory innovations
Geopolitical crises, raw material shortages, increasing cost of energy and ESG regulations are just some of the challenges, manufacturers around the globe are facing nowadays. The use of smart factory technologies can help mitigate some of these challenges – and beyond that, even create a significant benefit. What these technologies are and what it needs to make them work, that is what we want to talk about with our guest today. Ingo Hecht leads the Application Marketing for Industrial Automation at Infineon. His role includes the close cooperation with our development teams to create new semiconductor solutions enabling the smart factory of today – and tomorrow.
22. Redefining hearing and communication with innovative hearables technologies
Wireless audio technology has evolved rapidly in recent years, with the potential to revolutionize both consumer electronics and health industries. Listening to music or a podcast and watching videos, movies, and series has never been easier, and has never offered better sound quality. The reason is new semiconductor technologies in combination with new system designs and software solutions. We discuss the developments and innovations in hearable technologies with our guests: Peter Sung, CEO of Linsation – a Shenzhen based company, dedicated to developing the intuitive "Sensation User Interface" experience for people. And Julian Kornprobst, who is a Marketing & Business Development Specialist for MEMS Microphones.
Read the transcript.
21. Artificial Intelligence for smarter factories
Artificial intelligence is once again a hot topic, especially since the launch of latest versions of applications like ChatGPT and midjourney. But AI is not only supposed to help and support in the private environment. There are numerous use cases in the industrial environment, which promise huge efficiency gains so the topic is playing a major role in all industry sectors. What are the general advantages that are expected from applying AI in the industrial sector? That is what we are going to talk about today with our guest Nico Kelling. Nico is heading Infineon’s Center of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence and in this role is focusing on connecting these kinds of technological innovations with our business.
If you want to learn more about how we make factories smarter and the IoT work, visit www.infineon.com/smartfactory.
20. ModusToolbox™ - A success story
Infineon recently launched ModusToolbox™ version 3.1 which is a great success and shows the efforts that this team of experts does to develop this ecosystem further. The ModusToolbox™ ecosystem is a collection of software and tools designed to smoothly work together and with third-party solutions. All this to create the perfect development environment. With our guest, Jennifer Sirrine, we talk about what ModusToolbox™ is, how it is used by our customers, why it is beneficial for all Infineon products to be linked to ModusToolbox™, and what types of software developers can integrate with it.
If you want to learn more about ModusToolbox™, visit the website www.infineon.com/modustoolbox.
19. Making IoT easy: Solving major IoT pain points
Developing smart, networked products for the IoT is a real challenge. Addressing the interplay between wireless and embedded systems and topics like security, cloud integration, and energy management is time-consuming and requires substantial expertise. But there is a solution! We talk about the Make-IoT-easy-Guide with our Guest Gary Sugita.
Do you want to learn more about our "Making IoT easy Guide"? Click here to download.
18. The future of healthcare – Keep people healthy with innovative health appliances and technologies
There has been a lot of discussion about the importance of good health and well-being, especially as the world population rises and at the same time life expectancy is increasing. Healthcare increasingly places great emphasis on enhancing well-being to prevent illness rather than sporadically treating acute illnesses. With smart electronic devices, either worn on the body or even installed at home, it is possible to measure people's fitness and health status and trigger appropriate actions. Here, data mining, algorithms, machine learning and artificial intelligence play a central role. This is what we want to talk about with our guest. Professor Björn Eskofier is heading the Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg. Currently, this lab has about 50 co-workers in the field of machine learning and signal analysis for wearable computing systems with a focus on sports and healthcare.
17. Ask the moderator - Q&A session and behind the scenes insights
This time, there is something different with our #MakeIoTwork podcast. Do you realize? Right, today you are not welcomed by Thomas, but by his colleague Daniela. Normally she is active in the background and prepares everything for a successful recording. But today she takes over the moderation of our wonderful podcast for once, because today Thomas himself is the guest of this episode. With him Daniela will talk about the past one and a half years of our #MakeIoTwork Podcast. How did it come about in the first place? What were the most exciting topics? What were his personal highlights? Where did even our IoT expert Thomas learn something new? And of course we want to know how smart Thomas' own life actually is. Listen in and enjoy.
16. Radar sensor solutions for more personalized, yet anonymous living experiences
Now that the days are getting shorter again, the nights longer and the temperatures colder, people like to retreat to their own four walls. It's cozy, warm and safe there. Smart technologies can help make it more energy-efficient, intuitive and individual as well, adapting to the needs of the occupants - all automatically. What does it take? First of all, smart sensors. In this episode, we talk about IoT sensor solutions for smart homes - in particular, radar sensors, as they offer unique features for smart home devices.