High Power Thyristors and Diodes for modern HVDC Applications
Innovative technology with lower losses leading to higher efficiency

The demand for energy increases year after year. The driving factors are, of course, the raising population around the globe and on the other hand the steadily increasing living standard which leads to more and more energy consumption per person.
Naturally, this conducts to an increase in energy production. In many countries the sources for energy production are far away from the centers of energy consumption. This is especially true for green energy production such as hydro, wind and solar power plants.
In other projects the distance may be shorter, but the installation of the power connection is complex; for example, if a sub-sea cable connection is required. In these cases High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission is the best solution to connect source and consumer site.
Line-Commutated Current- Sourced Converter (LCC/CSC) Self-Commutated Voltage-Sourced Converter (SCC/VSC)
Thyristor with turn-on capability only Semiconducting switches with turn-on and turn-off capability, e.g. IGBTs