High-Power (IHM) & High-Voltage Modules (IHV) - IGBT
IHM / IHV IGBT B-series modules - The best solution for your high demanding traction and industry applications
The well-known IHM (IGBT High-Power Modules) & IHV (IGBT High- Voltage Modules) are robust and work with supreme reliability at any temperature condition from -40°C up to +150°C. The IHM-B / IHV-B are offered in a range of 500 A to 3600 A at 1200 V to 4,5 kV in various combinations, which enable together with different topologies (single switch-, chopper- and diode modules) the usage in various high power inverter sizes and performances.
The impressive reliability of IHM-B / IHV-B proven by a high field-records over decades, the optimized switching losses and the unbeatable power density are only some of the feathers to its cap.
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Benefits IHM-B / IHV-B | Additional benefits Enhanced IHM-B / IHV-B |