Wide-Bandgap Developer Forum - 16 April 2024 - virtual event

Thank you for your participation in our Wide-Bandgap Developer Forum. We were happy to see so many people participating in our live sessions. If you didn't have a chance to attend, you don't have to miss it. All sessions were recorded and are available for you to watch on our event page.

You can also take the opportunity to download the latest documents on SiC and GaN from the digital platform. Again, thank you for your time and interest. We are looking forward to our forum in 2025!


We would welcome if you joined our community to contact our experts on the Infineon Developer Community. Post a question in the dedicated forums for SiC or GaN to get answers from our community around the world.

The sessions were recorded and are available on demand after the event.

Event details - start planning your forum day

Select one of our product highlights for detailed information