Intuitive Sensing Technology
We live in a world where technology simplifies almost every aspect of our daily lives

Imagine a world where technology is unobtrusive and seamlessly integrated into our lives. Where intentional/deliberate communication between people and devices is no longer necessary. In this world, there is no need to push buttons or issue commands in order to activate devices, because technology is capable of interpreting implicit intentions and context. This enhances the user experience and makes it more natural – it almost seems like the devices around us intuitively understand what we want them to do.
At Infineon, this future is already becoming reality. We develop sensor solutions that enable simple and effortless user interactions with all kinds of smart devices. Bridging the gap between the real and digital worlds, our technology is developed to make life easier, safer, greener and more efficient. Our intuitive sensing solutions are at the very core of this mission. Reflecting our belief that the essential value of sensor technology lies in making our lives more convenient through seamless, natural interactions between people and sensing devices, our aim is to leave you free to focus on what really matters in life.
Choose your type of sense
Infineon XENSIV™ sensors are exceptionally precise thanks to industry-leading technologies. They are the perfect fit for various customer applications in automotive, industrial and consumer markets.
Today, sensors already enable interactions between people and devices
This interaction often depends on the interpretation and merging of information from different sources. Machines cannot yet read our minds and do not always have the information necessary to correctly evaluate a given situation. So, we sometimes have to explicitly tell devices what we want them to do. This can be inconvenient and time-consuming.
Inspired by human nature, Infineon intuitive sensing solutions are designed to take the complexity out of our interaction with devices. Reflecting a holistic approach, we combine different sensors with state of-the-art software to create a comprehensive picture of the world around us. By fusing several smart sensors into one coherent intelligent system, our intuitive sensing solutions simplify complex technical processes and enable people to effortlessly interact with devices. These smart devices intuitively sense the world around them, determining what is expected and needed from them.
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Related applications
Here you can explore application that sense the world thanks to Infineon XENSIV™ sensors & solutions