UDE MemTool In-System Flash Programming
UDE MemTool is designed for programming on-chip FLASH and external FLASH/OTP memory devices. As a stand-alone tool, the UDE MemTool can be used during the complete development cycle: manual device programming during software development, for automated production and within test systems. It can also be seamlessly integrated into the Universal Debug Engine® UDE.
For communication and data transfer to the target’s on-chip FLASH or external FLASH/OTP memories via DAP or JTAG, the devices UAD2pro/UAD2next/UAD3+ of the Universal Access Device-family are used. Moreover, UDE MemTool supports also device specific ASC or CAN bootstrap loaders as well as host-target communication via a RS232 host interface (COMx) or the K-Line interface.
UDE MemTool is capable of all AURIX™ specific FLASH features such as UCB (user configuration blocks), SOTA (software over-the-air) or programming of the HSM Flash.
UDE MemTool GangProgrammer
The UDE Gang Programmer extension uses up to eight instances of UDE MemTool to program multiple FLASH memory devices simultaneously. This saves time and optimizes the use of resources in production environments.