Smart home and building technology is booming and its future is projected to be even more impressive: Statista predicts that the smart home market alone will continue to expand at a 12.82% annual growth rate and reach around $47 billion by 2025.
We live in an increasingly connected world, shaped by ever more sophisticated technologies as the IoT approaches tipping point. The digitalization and networking of more and more smart devices is transforming all areas of our life, reaching beyond smart factories, wearables, cars and suchlike to also redefine the work in offices and public buildings as well as the home experience.
The demand for smart home and building devices and applications is experiencing dynamic growth as more and more consumers and companies are looking to leverage the comfort, energy efficiency, and security benefits of smart home and building technologies.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of smart home technologies. During the various stages of lockdown, many private homes morphed into offices, schools, entertainment hubs, fitness studios, and even healthcare centers. This shift in needs has also driven disruptive changes in terms of the range, functionality, and performance of smart home applications and devices now in demand. Today’s smart homes are much more than just a refrigerator that reorders milk or a coffee machine that recognizes users and knows their preferences. By 2026, ABI Research predicts that “the smart home market will reach $317 billion, up 5 percent over pre-COVID-19 forecasts.”
But the pandemic has also had an impact on public buildings and offices: access controls are being stepped up to monitor the number of people in a building, the air quality inside a building plays a major role, and there are also stricter hygiene regulations. Here, too, smart solutions such as presence detection or sensors like the XENSIV™ PAS CO2 sensor can help.
According to projections by the United Nations, more than seven out of ten people will live in cities by the year 2050. This will push the development of megacities with high-rise buildings, large apartment blocks, and massive office/public buildings. Digitalization will play a defining role in all of these buildings. According to the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association, there will be around 154 million active IoT connections in smart buildings by 2025. And that’s just Europe!
Infineon’s semiconductor solutions enable smart home appliances and systems in building services to adapt to their situation and surroundings in operation. Sensors, actuators, and control systems all work together to enable components in a smart home or smart building to correctly collect, evaluate, and process real-time data before executing or initiating the appropriate action or reaction. In this context, security solutions safeguard the system and all of its activities against external cyber-attacks.
SENSE: Sensors are a smart building’s nervous system
COMPUTE: Microcontrollers for made-to-measure IoT control solutions
ACTUATE: Power semiconductors guarantee high efficiency in energy conversion
CONNECT: Networking for efficient data exchange
SECURE: Scalable, easy-to-integrate security solutions
Modern home appliances are increasingly smart and connected, providing a seamless, remote user experience.
Home appliances, also referred to as domestic appliances, electric appliances or household appliances are part of smart home automation networks. Due to rising economies and evolving consumer lifestyles, the home appliances market is expected to register a CAGR of more than 4% during the forecast period. The increase in consumer disposable income, high standard of living and the need for convenience are driving many consumers to purchase smart home appliances. These devices offer advanced features, promise greater convenience, reduce labor and can even save energy. And the market will continue to grow, driven significantly by trends such as effectiveness, variety, sustainability, stylish design and smart functionality of home appliances.
Infineon's products, solutions and tools enable smart and connected home appliances to be securely detected, controlled and connected. For example Infineon’s Discrete IGBTs products designed for induction heating applications, in combination with PSoC microcontrollers for system control, AIROC™ Wi-Fi & Combos products, and XENSIV™ sensors enable highly compact, robust, and reliable systems that consume less power and offer a rich user interface.
The CIPOS™ family is the optimal solution for highly integrated compressor drives whilst discrete solutions are the best choice, whenever the layout flexibility and thermal performance optimization are the major factors. They can all be combined with Infineon’s iMOTION™ products for dedicated motor control. For the auxiliary power supply, the CoolSET™ rounds up the power portfolio by offering increased robustness and performance.
Smartification and electrification aren’t just limited to our smartphones and computers anymore; these trends are steadily making their way into our home appliances and the market is booming. But what technologies are driving home appliance innovation and how do semiconductors play a role?
Listen to our latest podcasts to learn more about home appliances and how Infineon technology is powering the smart home of tomorrow.
Kitchens are becoming smarter. They connect to your world and they interact with you. Appliances are now expected to be energy-efficient, connected, intuitive, and secure. Experience our interactive home and find all information for your design requirements.
Users control operation and receive live data from appliances, whether it's the contents of the refrigerator or information on the status of laundry. In turn, manufacturers can remotely analyze the device and suggest predictive maintenance to avoid costly repairs. This webinar will show you how Infineon's smartest power designs can help you achieve the highest efficiencies, smallest form factors and significantly improve your appliances' carbon footprint to make them smart, connected, and secured.
The smart kitchen is here to stay, with IoT-enabled appliances such as fridge-freezers, ovens, washing machines and dishwashers becoming part of intelligent home automation networks. This whitepaper charts the rapid rise of the smart kitchen and looks at how advances in electronic solutions have resulted in a new generation of quieter and more energy-efficient appliances driven by intuitive sensor-based operation. This trend has delivered higher levels of functionality, making life more convenient for tech-savvy consumers.
Login to MyInfineon and read our new whitepaper.
Air conditioning systems are joining the ever-expanding list of “things” that are connecting to the Internet of Things. This is reflecting – and also driving – shifts in consumer expectations around aircon systems.
Standard/basic functionality such as stable and smooth start-up plus variable operating speeds and vibration suppression are considered essential must-haves. In addition, cooling systems in private homes must be quiet. Today’s heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems should also be equipped with power devices that make them more energy efficient. In keeping with the smart trend among household appliances, home owners additionally expect smart air conditioners to offer various intelligent features that make life more convenient. And as more and more air conditioning units are connecting to the cloud, secure communication and interoperability within the home automation network are growing in importance.
Infineon provides its customers with the right technologies and innovations to address current and future security, functionality, connectivity and performance demands for smart heating ventilation and air conditioning systems. Examples:
The XENSIV™ family provides manufacturers with best- in-class MEMS sensors to enable e.g. smart aircon systems to “see”, “hear”, “feel” and “understand” their environment and incorporate more intelligence into their designs. CIPOS™ IPMs integrate the latest power semiconductors and control IC technology to create highly integrated, compact power modules to drive motors across a wide range of applications. PSoC™ 6 Microcontrollers provide a secure solution for IoT developments, supporting multiple, simultaneous environments without the need for external memories or SoCs. Infineon possesses a team of strong technical experts and partners to provide its customers with the tools and sup- port they need to design and implement future-proof smart aircon systems.
Whether making factories more efficient or your office complex more comfortable, commercial HVAC systems are enabling smarter buildings. In this episode, our application manager Lara discusses some of the market drivers and opportunities in the world of C-HVAC.
The training gives an overview of predictive maintenance in HVAC and the role of sensors. It presents our offering and partner approach.
Smart, smaller, more powerful and energy-efficient: Today’s room air conditioning units must fulfill a growing list of demands. Because they are used in private homes, quiet aircon systems are highly sought after. Functions such as stable and smooth starting, a wide range of operating speeds and vibration suppression round out the list of must-haves.
Sensors make homes and buildings smart by enabling them to “see”, “feel” and “hear” their environment – just like our human five senses do.
A smart building or home becomes smart through its connected and intelligent devices that are placed inside of it, for example heating, ventilation and air conditioning, elevators, access control, lighting, energy supply, or water heating systems. These elements itself are not smart. However, when equipped with the right technology, they are able to “see”, “hear” and “understand” their surroundings and perform appropriate actions. Sensors are the neural system of a building that collect in real-time data about a building’s operation, environment and its devices.
Reflecting our holistic approach to IoT design, our vision is to complement our XENSIV™ sensors with state-of-the-art software to create a comprehensive picture of the world around us. Our broad sensor portfolio spans MEMS microphones, plus pressure, radar, environmental, and 3D image sensors (REAL3™). All of which enable designers to create more intelligent, contextually aware devices.
COVID-19 has rapidly increased the need for social distancing solutions in public buildings. The smart entrance counter is one such solution. It counts when a person enters or leaves a building or a room, and simultaneously ensures social distancing. The system uses a 60-GHz radar sensor and integrated software; people are counted accurately and anonymously. A traffic-light system tells people whether access is permitted or not. The expected demand for this type of solution amounts to 90 million units globally. The system is easy to install and is simply mounted to the wall or ceiling of an entrance/exit area. It can be used in any type of building, including public buildings, retail stores and grocery stores, restaurants, schools, and corporate spaces, such as canteens, offices, etc.
Click on the next slide and watch our video.
For more information about our entrance counter solution, click here.
Although everyone has an intuitive sense of when a meeting gets "stuffy", unfortunately we humans don't have anything like sensors for ambient air quality. But Infineon does!
Indoor spaces with increased CO2 concentration levels not only have poor air quality which can for example cause headaches, here we also find raised levels of aerosol concentration – one of the most common transmission paths for COVID-19. Regular ventilation is a good preventive step, but who wants to spend lots of time sitting in a draft of cold air? Wouldn't it be great if we could only air out meeting rooms whenever it's really necessary!
Click on the next slide to watch the video to learn more about the PAS principle and how our XENSIV™ PAS CO2 sensor works.
Visit our new Makes Sense page and let Chipman show you the latest use cases and application examples!
Highly reliable solutions unleashing the benefits of condition-based monitoring vs predictive maintenance with Infineon’s XENSIV™ sensor portfolio
Time and again, malfunctions in heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration technology systems interrupt working processes and increase maintenance costs. Predictive maintenance, which is a data-based maintenance strategy for predicting system malfunctions, can be an effective solution to this. To illustrate the benefits of using a sensor-based solution, Infineon has collaborated with Klika Tech and AWS to develop a sensor-based evaluation kit. It enables the straightforward evaluation of condition monitoring and predictive maintenance. Using a range of sensors, paired with microcontrollers, embedded security, and software, it is possible to monitor various parameters of vital components such as compressors, motors, and fans in real time, so that any potential anomalies can be detected immediately. If this is the case, the respective maintenance technicians can be informed in good time – before a malfunction – to address the problem, e.g. by replacing a wearing part or cleaning an air filter.
Infineon’s broad range of XENSIV™ sensors can be deployed to monitor everything from single components of production machinery to an entire smart building ecosystem. Typical use cases include HVAC equipment where XENSIV sensors monitor current, vibration, and airflow in motors, compressors, and fans. These sensors can be combined with FreeRTOS-certified XMC™ microcontrollers and OPTIGA™ security solutions so the data collected can be processed and analyzed to enable advanced IoT features such as predictive maintenance. Thanks to our Semper™ NOR Flash Memory Family all collected data can be reliably and safely stored.
Listen to this exciting episode of our #MakeIoTwork podcast. Together with Julia Fichte and Manuel Hollfelder we will talk about the relevance and benefits of smart homes and buildings for tenants, residents, workers and of course the operators.
インフィニオンの幅広い製品ラインナップには、スマートホームとスマートビルディング用の画期的なソリューションを実現する、カスタムされた半導体ソリューションが含まれます。メーカーによるIoTソリューションの開発と住宅やビル用のオートメーションシステムへの統合を、いちから支援します。取りわけ、この業界に新規参入するメーカーには、通常の基本的ソリューションに加えて、 XENSIV™ 予知保全評価キット が役立ちます。
ビルにセンサーを設置すれば、稼働状況と周囲の環境に関するデータを集め、その情報にリアルタイムで反応できます。インフィニオンのXENSIV™ ファミリーは、次のような状況に対応した幅広いソリューションを提供しています。
たとえばXENSIV™ MEMSマイクを使って音声制御を行えます。CAPSENSE™ ファミリーの容量性センサーは、タッチセンシングでデバイスを制御する洗練され、信頼性の高いソリューションです。
他方で、レーダーセンサーで効果的に動作を検知することも可能です。インフィニオンの高度に集積されたXENSIV™ 60 GHz レーダーセンサーソリューションは、スモールフォームファクタと低消費電力により、多くのアプリケーションに画期的で直感的なセンシング機能を実現します。
ToF技術を用いたREAL3™ イメージセンサーは、 リアルタイムで正確に深度データを提供し、短時間で反応します。また、非接触で稼働させることが可能なうえ、環境光に対しても堅牢性を発揮します。
Arm® Cortex®-M0 コアと最先端の65nmテクノロジーを組み込んだXMC1000マイクロコントローラは、コネクテッドLEDへの電力供給やワイヤレス充電ソリューションに使用されます。Arm® Cortex®-M4 と DSP命令セットを搭載したXMC4000マイクロコントローラの、スマートホームやスマートビルディングへのアプリケーションの例として、ソーラーコンバータ、感知、制御および照明ネットワークなどが考えられます。
デュアルCPUアーキテクチャを採用した PSoCTM 6マイクロコントローラは、高性能と低消費電力を両立させ、IoTデバイスへのアプリケーションに特化されています。インフィニオンのPSoCTM 4 は課題を見事に解決するアナログセンサー統合、容量性タッチ、ワイヤレスコネクティビティなどの機能が、標準装備されています。
インフィニオン 32ビットArm® Cortex®-M内蔵XMC™マイクロコントローラ
アクチュエータは、受け取ったデータや情報を使って、ビル内の接続されたデバイスを制御し、作動させます。インフィニオンの OptiMOS™ NチャネルパワーMOSFETは、高性能のアプリケーション用に設計されており、高い効率性と電力密度を実現するだけでなく、高いスイッチング周波数にも最適です。iMOTION™シリーズのようなモータ制御用の高度に集積化されたICや、インテリジェントパワーモジュールのCIPOS™ ファミリーは、家電製品やファン、ポンプなどのモータを効率的に作動させ続けるために開発されました。
堅牢性に優れた CoolSET™ AC-DC 統合パワー段を使って、家電、セットトップボックス、通信システム/サーバなどの最大出力43Wの汎用電源に対する、電力管理アプリケーションを実現できます。インフィニオンのラインアップの最後を締めくくるのは、幅広いディスクリートIGBTです。
WICED Wi-Fi + Bluetoothコンボは、IoTの設計に使用できるスモールフォームファクタ用のソリューションで、IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN と Bluetoothをシングルチップに搭載しています。Wi-Fi + Bluetoothコンボの多くは、 WICED Wi-Fi および ModusToolboxTM ソフトウェア開発キットでサポートされています。この開発キットが、コードの例、ツール、開発サポートなどを提供しています。
インフィニオンの Bluetoothラインアップは、 Bluetooth Low Energyのみのソリューションと、Bluetooth Classic (BRおよびEDR)とBluetooth LEの両方に対応したデュアルモードソリューションから構成されます。Bluetooth SDKは、デュアルモードアプリケーション(BR + EDR + Bluetooth LE)の構築に必要なすべての機能を備えています。Bluetooth SDKと ModusToolboxTM IDEおよびBluetooth コンフィギュレータツールを組み合わせることで、強力で使いやすいツールセットが実現し、Bluetoothを搭載した優れたIoTソリューションを開発できます。
ハードウェアに組み込まれた IoTセキュリティアーキテクチャは、スマートビルディングをサイバー攻撃から守る上で欠かせません。インフィニオンは、ハードウェアをベースとした十分に実証した幅広いソリューションでこの課題に対処し、スマートホームとスマートビルディングのデータとデバイスを強力に保護することを目指しています。
OPTIGA™ ファミリーは、組み込みセキュリティソリューションと簡単に統合できるセキュアなセルラーコネクティビティを幅広いラインアップで提供します。このハードウェアベースのセキュリティソリューションは、基本的な認証チップから高度な実装まで拡張することができます。OPTIGA™ Authenticate ファミリーは、真正性を確認するため「モノ」に識別情報を与えます。これがデジタル世界、特にIoTの世界では信頼性を生み出す前提条件です。OPTIGA™ Connect ファミリーを使えばセキュアなセルラーコネクティビティを通して製品と接続することができます。信頼性の高いデータを用いて完全性を高め、確実なコミュニケーションで秘密保持を促すことが、OPTIGA™ Trustおよび OPTIGA™ TPM ファミリーの明確な目標です。
最後に SECORA™ Blockchain は、ブロックチェーンシステムの実装に向けたクラス最高のセキュリティを搭載した、短時間で簡単に使えるJava Card™ソリューションです。アプリケーションの安全性を高め、お客様のブロックチェーンシステムをより設計しやすくします。
暖房、換気、空調、冷蔵システムの故障は、たびたび作業工程を中断し、保守コストを増大させています。データに基づきシステムの不具合を予測する予知保全は、これに対応する効果的なソリューションになるかもしれません。センサーを使ったソリューションの有用性を示すため、インフィニオンはKlika Tech社および AWS社と連携して、センサーを搭載した評価キットを開発しました。このキットを使って、状態監視と予知保全を簡単に評価することができます。幅広いセンサーとマイクロコントーラ、組み込みセキュリティ、ソフトウェアを組み合わせることで、コンプレッサ、モータ、ファンなどの重要な部品の各種パラメータをリアルタイムで監視して、潜在的な異常を即座に検出することができます。これにより、保全を担当する技師は、不具合が起きる前の適切な時に通知を受けて、摩耗部品の交換やエアフィルターの掃除などにより問題に対処できます。
世界をリードするスマートホームデバイスメーカーとサプライヤーが協力して、スマートホームの実現に向けたグローバルスタンダードを開発しています。Zigbee Allianceのワーキンググループ「Connected Home over IP」(略してCHIP)は、スマートホーム製品の互換性とセキュリティを高め、簡単に使用できるようにすることを目指しています。スマートホームソリューションの安全で簡単なデバイス設定やコントロールといった観点が、消費者の購買決定の重要な基準になりつつあります。
パワーオーバーイーサネット(PoE)では、LANケーブルがデータの転送だけでなく、同時にデバイスへの給電も行います。そのため、建物内のセンサーや他のIoTデバイスを、従来よりはるかに短時間で設置できます。PoEは長年にわたって使用されてきましたが、最新の標準IEE802.3btでは、ツイストペア イーサネット ケーブルを介して供給できる最大電力が増えています。そのため現在は、最大100Wを提供できるようになりました。従来型のイーサネットケーブルでデバイスをスイッチにつなぐだけで、PoEスイッチは複数のデバイスに同時に給電できます。これにより、スマートビルディングシステムの設置プロセスだけでなく、その後の再構成も簡単になります。アムステルダムにある画期的なオフィスビルであるThe Edgeは、650個のPoEスイッチを設置して、PoEのメリットを活用しています。そのためユーザーは、たとえばスマートフォンのアプリ経由で照明や温度を調節できます。施設管理者は建物内のさまざまな機能すべての状況を明確に把握して、運用効率を高めることができます。20カ月の間に、従業員1人当たりコストを1,800ユーロ以上削減することができました。