Graphic LCD Interface (GraphicLCDIntf)
General Description

The Graphic LCD Interface (GraphicLCDIntf) Component provides the interface to a graphic LCD controller and driver device. These devices are commonly integrated into an LCD panel. The interface to these devices is commonly referred to as an i8080 interface. This is a reference to the historic parallel bus interface protocol of the Intel 8080 microprocessor.
This Component is designed to work with the SEGGER emWin graphics library. This library provides a full-featured set of graphics functions for drawing and rendering text and images. The emWin graphics library is available for the following devices:
- PSoC™ 3, PSoC™ 4, PSoC™ 5LP
- PSoC™ 6 MCU
- 8- or 16-bit interface to Graphic LCD Controller
- Compatible with many graphic controller devices
- Interfaces with SEGGER emWin graphics library
- Performs read and write transactions
- 2 to 255 cycles for read low pulse width
- 1 to 255 cycles for read high pulse width
- Implements typical i8080 interface
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