Multifunction Serial Interface (PDL_MFS)
General Description

The MFS Component supports multiple serial interfaces. The component can be configured from its raw (i.e. un-configured) state to use any of the interfaces or by placing pre-configured schematic macros from the Component Catalog into your design. All interfaces support double-buffered full duplex operation and have configurable receive/transmit FIFOs of up to 128 bytes.
PSoC™ Creator offers a revolutionary “pins in” approach to MCU configuration that is particularly valuable to the MFS Component. Instead of the traditional, and laborious, task of selecting the specific serial block that supports the required function on the desired pins, the designer simply selects the pins and lets the tool find the right MFS block. C-language macros with user-friendly names are generated to enable error-free initialization of the block and pin routing from firmware. The macros are independent of the actual pins used, so pin choices can be changed and implemented with a simple re-build of the project - without changing a single byte of your firmware.
The Parameter Editor dialog presents the options for each interface in a set of convenient tabs, each of which is focused on a particular aspect of Component configuration. For example, there is always a tab for the interface itself, which enables the setting of baud rate for a UART or slave address for I2c. There are also tabs to set up the FIFO and interrupt causes and callbacks.
- Clock synchronous serial IO / SPI
- LIN bus interface
- I2C bus interface (Master and Slave)