ISOFACE™ - 他のソリューションと比べ信頼性を5倍向上し、製品の市場投入までの時間を半分に短縮。優れたシステム稼働時間を提供します。
産業用絶縁型インターフェイス サブカテゴリー
絶縁機能を内蔵した産業用インターフェイスIC「ISOFACE™」は、信頼性を5倍向上し、製品の市場投入までの時間を半分に短縮します。不測のダウンタイムを最小限に抑えるために、ISOFACE ™の診断機能は新たな基準を確立します。ぜひISOFACE ™をご活用ください。
過酷な環境にも対応 する ISOFACE™
FAS(工場自動化システム)は、入出力特性および絶縁耐性について、IEC 61131-2の要件を満たす必要があります。ほとんどのシステムは、非常に過酷な環境に設置される為、IEC 61131-2に準拠し、過度なEMI障害(サージ、バースト、RF)に耐えることができなければなりません。ISOFACE ™は、システムレベルでこのような環境への耐性が備わっています。
耐久性に優れた ISOFACE™
診断に新たな基準を確立する ISOFACE™
ISOFACE™ を使用するには
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Watch this course to learn
• What digital isolators are, what they do, and which applications can profit from implementing them
• The portfolios and differences between the Infineon ISOFACE™ dual-channel and quad-channel digital isolator families
• The benefits provided by Infineon ISOFACE™ digital isolators

In this training, we will cover digital I/O in the industrial automation space, including the applications, the relevant international standards, the different digital I/O configurations and which Infineon solutions are available

In this training, we will take a deep dive into digital input ICs, including how digital input signals are processed, an overview of the applications, the challenges and features, how they can be optimized and the Infineon solutions offered.

In this training, we will take a deep dive into digital output switches, including an overview of the applications, the challenges and features, how they can be optimized and the Infineon solutions offered.
Key takeaways: <br>• Understand galvanic isolation common to ISOFACE™ products <br> <br>• Be familiar with the key features of isolated digital output and input products

Key takeaways:
- Be familiar with the ISOFACE™ family of galvanically isolated high-side switches and input ICs
- Know the benefits that the ISOFACE™ family can provide in the industrial application space

Key takeaways:
- Be familiar with the PROFET™ and ISOFACE™ families of products
- Understand the key features and benefits of these product families
- Know the PROFET™ and ISOFACE™ products offered by Infineon in this segment
Do you know what industrial automation is?
Join us on this journey through the world of factory automation and find out how semiconductor solutions help factories become smart!
Modern industries typically require many coordinated single steps to accomplish a finished product or any activity flow. Imagine this with no automation in place: any high volume outputs or uninterrupted courses of action at a high level of quality and in a short time would not be possible, would it?