CoolSiC™ MOSFETなどの超高速スイッチングの650Vおよび1200V耐圧のパワートランジスタは、通常ガルバニック絶縁内蔵のゲートドライバICによって駆動するのが最適です。
これらのゲートドライバには、優れた伝搬遅延マッチング、精密な入力フィルタ、広い出力側供給範囲、負のゲート電圧能力、高い同相過渡除去特性 (CMTI)、アクティブミラークランプ、DESAT保護、低電圧ロックアウト機能(UVLO)、入出力間のガルバニック絶縁など、シリコンカーバイドMOSFETの駆動に一般的に推奨される、最も重要な機能とパラメータが組み込まれています。
デュアルチャネル絶縁ゲートドライバICの2つの出力チャネルのチャネル間沿面距離が3.3mmでは不十分なSiC MOSFETハーフブリッジにおいては、ブートストラップ付きハイサイド用のシングルチャネル絶縁ゲートドライバICと、真の差動入力を備えた非絶縁ゲートドライバICで構成されるハイブリッドの組み合わせが有力な選択肢となります。この組み合わせにより、ゲートループのレイアウトを最適化でき、低インピーダンスのソース出力とシンク出力を分離できます。

EiceDRIVER™ゲートドライバは、優れた伝搬遅延マッチング、正確な入力フィルタ、広い出力側供給範囲、負のゲート電圧駆動能力、高い同相過渡除去特性(CMTI)、アクティブミラークランプ、DESAT保護機能など、SiC MOSFETを駆動するうえで重要な機能やパラメータを実装しています。
主な特長 | アプリケーション |
Every switch needs a driver, and the right driver makes a difference.
Infineon offers different isoalted gate driver families, such as the EiceDRIVER™ Compact and the EiceDRIVER™ Enhanced. Each family has different features to protect the switch and application.
The EiceDRIVER™ isolated gate driver offers advanced features such as reinforced isolation, Miller clamp, slew rate control and short circuit protection to protect the switch and application. It also enables condition monitoring and rapid prototyping.
The EiceDRIVER™ is the perfect fit for industrial application, particular in combination with Infineon CoolSiC™ and IGBT switches.
シリコンカーバイド(SiC)MOSFETは、パワーエレクトロニクスにあらゆる可能性を提供します。しかし、適切なゲートドライバを備えたSiC MOSFETを使用し、システムの利点を十分に活かすには、どうすれば良いでしょうか。本トレーニングでは、次のことが学べます:お客様のSiC MOSFET用に基準ゲート抵抗値を算出する方法。ピーク電流と消費電力の要件をもとに最適なゲートドライバICを選択する方法。最悪の条件下を想定し、実験室の環境でゲート抵抗値を微調整する方法。

- The EiceDRIVER™ X3 Compact family (1ED31xx), with up to 14 A output current, 2300 V functional isolation, 200 kV/µs CMTI
- Show system benefit of Miller clamp, separate output, active shutdown, short circuit clamping, 7-ns prop. delay matching
- Perfect for CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET and IGBT7. VDE 0884-11 & UL 1577. For solar, EV charging, industrial drive, UPS, SMPS

The EiceDRIVER™ 2L-SRC Compact family (1ED32xx), with two-level slew-rate control and Miller Clamp
2L-SRC optimizes the gate resistors for EMI measurements and for normal operation, compared with the conventional solution
Up to 18 A output current, 200 kV/µs CMTI, VDE 0884-11 & UL 1577, ideal for CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET and IGBT7 in drive, solar, UPS, etc.

Have you heard of the EiceDRIVER™ F3 product family yet? And are you curios about its features and benefits?
Find out more about the main features, key advanteges and real-life applications.

- The EiceDRIVER™ Enhanced X3 Analog family (1ED34xx), with DESAT (adjustable filter time), Miller Clamp, soft-off (adjustable current)
- Up to 9 A output current, 200 kV/µs CMTI, 30 ns Max. propagation delay matching, 40 V Max output supply voltage.
- Perfect for CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET and IGBT7. VDE 0884-11 & UL 1577. For solar, EV charging, industrial drive, UPS, etc

- The new EiceDRIVER™ X3 Digital family (1ED38xx), with I2C-configurability for DESAT, Soft-Off, UVLO, Miller clamp, two level turn off (TLTO).
- Up to 9 A output current, 200 kV/µs CMTI, 30 ns Max. propagation delay matching, 40 V Max output supply voltage.
- Perfect for CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET and IGBT7. VDE 0884-11 & UL 1577. For solar, EV charging, industrial drive, UPS, etc.

- EiceDRIVER™ isolated gate driver family use the state-of-the-art coreless transformer (CT) isolation technology
- The CT based isolated gate driver offers higher current, lower power consumption, better CMTI and best in class propagation delay matching
- Perfect for CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET and IGBT7. VDE 0884-11 & UL 1577. For solar, EV charging, industrial drive, UPS, etc.
Servo drives come handy in a lot of applications, but controlling them and the power needed to drive them can be challenging when attempting to do it efficiently. Similarly, handling overload and short-circuit conditions is critical. Through this webinar, we will demonstrate best practices of protecting them and how to ensure the protection is reliable, robust and sufficiently fast for all operations. We will also give an exciting overview of suitable boards for evaluation and show the comprehensive Infineon portfolio of SiC MOSFETs and gate driver solutions.
Key Takeaways
- Understand how Infineon responds to the trends in the industry drives market: e.g. inverter integration with SiC MOSFETs and get an overview of some of the solutions offered
- Learn how to enable lower switching losses compare to IGBTs at same dV/dt levels and enhanced switching control
- Explore how to avoid the main pitfalls when driving SiC MOSFETs
- Discover how to reliably protect SiC MOSFETs using EiceDRIVER™ gate drivers