IGBT7 ディスクリート
インフィニオンは、最新のマイクロ パターン トレンチ技術で設計された第7世代のTRENCHSTOP™ IGBTにより、IGBTの世界に革命をもたらしました。この先進技術は、比類のない制御と性能を提供し、アプリケーションにおける大幅な損失削減、効率の改善、電力密度の向上を実現します。

The advanced TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 technology addresses the rising demand for green & efficient energy applications. Using the latest micro-pattern trench design, it delivers exceptional control and performance. This leads to substantial loss reduction, heightened efficiency and increased power density.

Infineon’s discrete TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT 7 family offers a broad portfolio with a flexible range of products that can replace almost all predecessor technologies. This allows for either a simple replacement of a previous generation or the use of the same socket, where you can now plug in the modern, newest-generation technology. Additionally, optimized controllability tuning is crucial for designing in with a smooth transient, which is enabled by Infineon’s newest technology.
The portfolio includes variants ranging from 3 A to 150 A, offered in 7 different package types: standard TO-247-3 , TO-247-3 HCC, TO-247-4, TO-247-3 Plus and TO-247-4 Plus. In addition, for space minimization there are available two version of SMD packages: PG-TO252-3 (DPAK) and PG-TO263-3 (D2PAK). The novel TO-247-3 HCC features high creepage clearance, further enhancing its suitability for various applications. For enhanced performance, is recommended to consider the IKZA and IKY 4-pin packages, which not only reduce switching losses but also provide additional benefits such as lower voltage overshoot, minimized conduction losses, and the lowest reverse recovery loss. With these advancements, the TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT 7 simplifies your design and minimizes the need for device paralleling.

IGBT7 technology plays a crucial role along entire energy chain. For instance, it’s used in solar and fuel cell applications on the generation side, as well as in energy storage systems. For this needs the H7 variants is the best in choice.

Furthermore, IGBT7 it’s also used in a wide range of applications that consume electrical energy. This includes drive applications, industrial automation, home appliances, and even emerging areas such as heat pumps for heating and cooling homes. Additionally, it can also be extended to commercial agriculture vehicles. For that the best choice is for 1200 V S7 and for 650 V T7 devices to be used.

最新、最高のIGBT技術でお客様のアプリケーションをアップグレードする機会を逃さないでください。第7世代のTRENCHSTOP™ IGBTは、比類ない性能と効率を提供し、パワーと性能を、より高いレベルに引き上げたいあらゆるアプリケーションに最適です。ぜひ置き換えてください!
すべてのスイッチにはドライバが必要ですが、正しいドライバの選択により違いを生み出す事ができます。TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7とともに、ローサイドドライバ、レベルシフトドライバ、絶縁ドライバなどのゲートドライバIC EiceDRIVER™も提供しています。EiceDRIVER™は、0.1Aから14Aまでの幅広い駆動電流の選択肢と、DESAT、ミラークランプ、過電流保護 (OCP)、シャットダウン、ブートストラップダイオード内蔵、絶縁などのさまざまな保護機能を提供します。
Driving decarbonization and digitalization together is crucial and the IGBT7 technology plays a major role along this entire energy chain. This training video will introduce the discrete TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 family and share its five decisive values and the application positioning.
Insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) have been around for decades, but the 7th generation finally brings a much-awaited revolution. Our expert Blaž explains what the new IGBT7 technology means for silicon-based designs and what five “values” make it unique.
TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 H7 helps to fulfill the worldwide demand for decarbonization and improved natural resources sustainability, setting an enhanced benchmark for high-speed IGBTs.
In this training you will learn all about it.
インフィニオンのIGBT7 T7は、その優れた制御性、耐湿性、短絡耐性により、短絡耐量を持ったデバイスの中で最高の電気的性能を実現しています。 詳細は、こちらのトレーニングをご覧ください。
本トレーニングでは、TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7の主な特徴と技術的な利点に焦点を当ててご紹介します。また、産業用ドライブアプリケーション向けのIGBT7の既存製品および計画中の製品ラインアップについてもご紹介します。