NFC-PWM configuration ICs
Dual-mode NFC wireless configuration ICs with pulse width modulation (PWM) output for lighting applications
Infineon's NLM0011 is a dual-mode NFC wireless configuration IC with pulse width modulation (PWM) output, primarily designed for LED applications to enable NFC programming. In addition, advanced features such as the constant lumen output (CLO) as well as the on/off counting are integrated, with no need for an additional microcontroller. Since the NLM0011 is designed to work together with mainstream analog driver ICs, there are no firmware development efforts needed. It can be easily adapted into existing designs to replace the plug-in-resistor current configuration concept. The NLM0010 is a light version of the NLM0011 without CLO function.
NLM0011 and NLM0010 NFC-PWM configuration ICs are compatible with existing analog LED driver designs and with the NFC-programming specification from the Module-Driver Interface Special Interest Group (MD-SIG).