该系列包括高边、低边和可配置器件,为小负载(包括导通时的开路负载检测)提供经济高效的解决方案。 该系列具有一致的SPI寄存器、所有通道相同的输出级以及引脚到引脚兼容性,可大大减少设计工作量和系统成本。 小型 TSDSO-14 和 24 引脚封装可节省印刷电路板空间。
- RDS(on) range 6-300 mΩ
- Up to 40 V operating voltage
- Up to 4 channels
- Automotive qualified, AEC-Q100
- High energy capability
- Current limitation
- Basic self-protection & diagnosis
- Analog current sense available
- Power packages available
- High clamping voltage
About Classic PROFET™ 12 V for automotive power distribution
Infineon's Classic PROFET™ 12 V devices offer a RDS(on) range from 5 – 300 mΩ (0,2 - 20 A). The smart 12 V high-side switches are very reliable and robust products (proven technology, more than 15 years in the market). State-of-the-art protection features and diagnostic functions, specific characteristics and packages enable them to address a broad range of applications from body, powertrain, transmission, to chassis even in harsh environments. Typical applications are fuel injection, brake control, seat heating, chassis control, pumps, and all kind of valves/solenoid switching.
Classic PROFET™ 12 V for automotive power distribution
Infineon's Classic PROFET™ 12V family in addition to 1- and 2-ch- switches also offers a couple of 4-ch devices, which provide an attractive channel price and contribute to PCB space savings, as well as products in very small DSO-8 packages. Thanks to products with high energy capability (> 500 mJ), even big solenoids can be driven. High ohmic products (up to 300 mOhm) make the portfolio more scalable and avoid overhead costs. All products with Inom > 5A provide the enhanced current sense diagnostics; the remaining products mainly have status diagnostics. All products are qualified according to AEC Q100.
Classic PROFET™ 12 V for extended application range
Infineon's Classic PROFET™ 12 V family are mature products, long time proven in the market. Because of the specific features, the products can be used for comfort and safety functions (Body/ECU/ Zone) as well as for controlling the car's basic functions. Because of the extended operating voltage range, even industrial applications can be addressed. Products will stay in the portfolio as long as producible, as supplements to Infineon's newer product families such as PROFET™ + 2.
Classic PROFET™ 12 V 設計サポート
インフィニオンのスマート パワースイッチとゲートドライバ ツールスイートは、システムアーキテクトとハードウェア設計者の基礎検討からシステム実現までをサポートします。 このスイートにより、ユーザーは「Finder & Selection」ツールの1つを使用して、特定の負荷に対して適切なスマートパワースイッチまたはゲートドライバ ICを選択できます。 さまざまな「シミュレーション&モデリング」ツールとともに、さまざまなアプリケーションシナリオを、それぞれの製品でシミュレートできます。 結果はレポートツールに文書化「コンフィギュレーション (設定)」ツールと対応する評価ボードで検証できます。

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•Understand the SPIDER+ family and the main features
•Apply an example load to the device and show how the device reacts to SPI commands

- Get to know the main features of the SPIDER+ family and how it can improve system performance
- Discover its various applications, from industrial to automotive and learn about the advanced features of the LED pack