
借助我们成熟的技术和经验,您将能为工业自动化应用开发出理想的解决方案。我们是一家提供全面的隔离I/O器件组合(ISOFACE™)的制造商。作为市场领先的供应商,我们提供OPTIGA™ Trust和OPTIGATM TPM等嵌入式安全解决方案来防范攻击、假冒和操纵。英飞凌产品还支持高度集成设计以节省宝贵的空间。
工业互联:“工业 4.0”
未来将有越来越多的智能工厂采用智能半导体解决方案,因此被称为第四次工业革命或工业 4.0。工业 4.0 是德国政府提出的一个倡议,它不仅仅是智能工厂:其目的是为了更好地整合客户和商业伙伴。从供应商到生产商再到客户,它连接了整个增值链。工业 4.0 的成功取决于功能强大、安全和智能的组件,如来自英飞凌的组件。
虽然工业 4.0 有望在资源利用效率、产品个性化和更大的适应性方面带来巨大收益。但同时也会带来新的挑战,特别是在安全方面。幸运的是,您可以依赖我们在嵌入式安全领域的市场领先经验来防范在“工业 4.0”生产环境中出现的各种威胁。作为德国国家科学与工程院 (Acatech) 和工业互联网联盟的成员,英飞凌也在积极推动未来的工业发展。
工业自动化 系统图
Infineon offers scalable expansion RAM memory technologies capable of fast read and write operations, enabling rapid data buffering and providing design flexibility to systems engineers

- Understand the need for an expansion memory and recognize the key attributes designers look for
- Describe the challenges with existing expansion memory options
Do you know what industrial automation is?
Join us on this journey through the world of factory automation and find out how semiconductor solutions help factories become smart!
Modern industries typically require many coordinated single steps to accomplish a finished product or any activity flow. Imagine this with no automation in place: any high volume outputs or uninterrupted courses of action at a high level of quality and in a short time would not be possible, would it?
Infineon’s E-Z-U-S-B™ C-X-3 solution that provides the best performance to bridge between a camera sensor and USB.
Get to know it's potential applications, features and development tools.
Industrial automation is growing and it is the future of manufacturing, to be able to embrace industry 4.0 we need machine vision that could provide better vision-guided robotics, automated production lines and more precise quality control and inspection. Learn more about Infineon´s EZ-USB™ solutions for machine vision.