Infineon TRAVEO™ T2G AUTOSAR Software
The TRAVEO™ AUTOSAR Software was introduced to the market in 2014 and has since undergone numerous improvements and upgrades. For the TRAVEO™ T2G, a mature, feature-rich driver layer is now available, which is developed, maintained, and supported by in-house TRAVEO™ experts. The TRAVEO™ T2G AUTOSAR Software was developed in compliance with Automotive SPICE and ISO26262 standards, making it suitable for applications with safety targets up to ASIL-B. Additionally, the delivery package includes the EB Tresos™ configuration tool, which comes with a node-locked license.
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Request a free evaluation license for TRAVEO™ Software
- To request a free 3-month evaluation license or request access to an existing one for the following Software packages: TRAVEO™ T2G - AUTOSAR MCAL drivers, AUTOSAR Complex Device Drivers, AUTOSAR Self Test Library, Graphics drivers, Safety Signature Driver, Dynamic Warping Library click here.
The AUTOSAR software portfolio comprises:
TRAVEOTM T2G AUTOSAR drivers enable a wealth of smart hardware features, which make the TRAVEOTM T2G series so attractive, in the AUTOSAR workflow. The Microcontroller Abstraction Layer (MCAL) is the lowest software layer of the Basic Software. It contains drivers, which are software modules with direct access to the µC internal peripherals and memory mapped µC external devices. In addition to the features that AUTOSAR defines, the TRAVEOTM T2G MCAL support safety functions, Trigger connections between internal peripherals, “Smart I/O” functions any many more TRAVEOTM specific design ideas.
Software Partner with experience in integrating the TRAVEOTM T2G MCAL include Elektrobit, Etas and Vector Informatik
For details about the TRAVEOTM T2G AUTOSAR MCAL, please refer to the following TRAVEOTM T2G User Guides:
- TRAVEOTM T2G Digital I/O (DIO)
- TRAVEOTM T2G Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC)
- TRAVEOTM T2G General Purpose Timer (GPT)
- TRAVEOTM T2G Input Capture Unit (ICU)
- TRAVEOTM T2G Output Compare Unit (OCU)
- TRAVEOTM T2G Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
- TRAVEOTM T2G Controller Area Network (CAN)
- TRAVEOTM T2G Local Interconnect Network (LIN)
- TRAVEOTM T2G Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
- TRAVEOTM T2G (Work-) Flash (FLS)
- TRAVEOTM T2G Resource module
Available separately to the MCAL, the self-test libraries help to fulfill safety goals by giving a high diagnostic coverage over large parts of the chip area. Self-Test Libraries are defined for CORE, FLASH and RAM.
“foreground mode” and “background mode” are available
- In “Foreground Mode” the complete test is executed at once, for example at start up.
- In “Background Mode” execution is distributed over several times slots intermittently with other task
For details about the TRAVEO™ T2G AUTOSAR Self-Test Libraries, please refer to the following TRAVEOTM T2G User Guides:
Included in the FEE delivery, the FEE Interfaces to TRAVEO™ T2G MCAL FLS abstracts from the physical Flash's segmentation and addressing scheme and provides a virtual addressing and segmentation scheme. It utilizes virtual page sizes of 4 Bytes, which allows for a virtually unlimited number of erase cycles (calculation tool included). The algorithm is robust against power down and has a compact memory footprint.
For details on the TRAVEOTM RT2G AUTOSAR FLASH EEPROM Emulation (FEE), please refer to the following User Guide
This extension adds “Type II” multi-core support (as defined in ASR 4.4) to defined MCAL drivers, where each CPU core can run an instance of the driver.
Peripheral channels and their data are individually allocable to cores but cannot be shared among cores.
The following drivers in the MCAL Multi-Core Extension feature Type II multi-core support:
- ADC (EXpansion pack) 4.0 driver - Each SAR is allocable to each M7 core
- GPT 3.0 driver - Each timer is allocable to each M7 core
- ICU 3.0 driver - Each timer is allocable to each M7 core
- PWM 3.0 driver - Each timer is allocable to each M7 core, user guide:
- MCU 3.0 driver - Each M7 core has separate active / sleep modes
- Core Test 3.0- Execute the test on each M7 core
- SPI 3.0 handler/driver - Each hardware unit is allocable to each M7 core
- Watchdog 3.0 driver - Separate hardware unit is allocated to each M7 core
The MCAL Multi-Core Extension in addition offers some Type III multi-core support:
For this multicore type, the driver has core-independent instances with globally available hardware. This type is referred as “Multicore Type III”. Multicore Type III has the following characteristics:
- The code of the driver is shared among all cores.
- A common binary is used for all cores.
- A configuration is common for all cores.
- Each core runs an instance of the driver.
- Peripheral channels are globally available for all cores.
This Type III multi-core support is available for:
- DIO 3.0 driver - all pins are accessible from all cores without synchronization,
On most above listed “Type II” modules, some APIs can be globally accessed by any M7 core, offering limited Type III multi-core support.
If Multicore Type III is required, the section including the data related to the read-only API or atomic write API must be allocated to the memory, and can be read from any M7 core
- Code Flash Driver supports write and erase of main flash.
- Operation can be requested from all CPU Cores (CM4, CM7, CM0+)
- “Dual Bank” support allows to execute the driver form Flash Configuration by EB tresos.
For details on the TRAVEO T2G AUTOSAR Complex Device Driver for Code Flash please refer to the following User Guide
- Code Flash Driver
The I2C driver is a complex driver, which enables you to support I2C communication on special output pins of the MCU. It supports the T2G “serial communication block” (SCB)
- Supports master- and slave mode
- Mode Change at run-time supported
- Configurable with EB-Tresos Studio as AUTOSAR Complex Device Driver
- A single I2C driver supports multiple channels
- Simultaneous communication using multiple channels is possible.
- Each channel can be configured to run in poll or interrupt mode.
- No interrupt between Address field and Data field.
- User can select the I2C transaction to “Normal sequence” or “Repeated Start”
- FIFO mode is supported (by using interrupts, by polling and by using DMA and interrupts).
For details on the TRAVEOTM T2G AUTOSAR Complex Device Driver for I2C, please refer to the following User Guide:
It supports the TRAVEOTM T2G “serial communication block” (SCB)
- Full Duplex Support
- Frame Size 4bit-9bit
- Operation Modes: Synchronous transmit, Asynchronous transmit, Automatic receive, Synchronous receive, Asynchronous receive
For details on the TRAVEOTM T2G AUTOSAR Complex Device Driver for UART, please refer to the following User Guide